Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 6. - page 301


You have no idea. Do as I say and you will see immediately that you have no idea other than "wait out the bad times and see if it works".

But alas, it won't work if you do as I advise. And I advise you to start looking for your own, not to sit in the nursery until now.

I do not count on chance. I allow the SL. But I am 100% sure that after it will be PROFIT.

But the price does not reach the stop......... and I know why...... and this is the main thing in my system.

For small depots you should not leave positions for the next day! At the most, for one night, and in no case for the weekend! For myself I set a standard of 1000 trades or one year. Trading for a longer period makes no sense, you still have to do some fine-tuning.
What do you mean by "tweaking"?

I don't count on chance. I'm assuming SL triggers. But I'm 100% sure there will be a PROFIT after it.

But the price does not reach the stop......... and I know why...... and this is the main thing in my system.

It doesn't get there for the reason that it's around Mars somewhere. Only the depo would crack to withstand such a drawdown. And the tees are as big as a mouse's peep. I.e., to sit and wait for a year, two or three years, just to get 30 pips on the fourth year, if Kolyan not come to this happy moment, this strategy?

No offense, but I feel like I'm talking to a fifth grader. Did your mother put a sandwich in your school bag?

What does tweaking mean?

What does tweaking mean?
Artem has illustrated it well! To adjust the parameters and test some ideas, the market is fickle, after all! I do it in my head, too!

Eight flows. Unlikely to get a trade flow occupancy error.

Who prevents you from trying? At the same time, look at the request sending time, server response time, and execution speed. Then compare who sent the request first and who received the response first, and opened a position. Experiment. Or just chat?

The point is that delays of request execution (order opening) affect dozens of Expert Advisors working at the same time, and this happens all the time differently for different Expert Advisors. Even Sleep (1000-2000) doesn't help. Of course, we can increase the lag time of order sending but we cannot understand how the terminal works since "... Request sending time, server's response time, speed of execution..." doesn't matter in my opinion.
Rephrase the question: "If you have two terminals installed on one computer, one Expert Advisor is running in each terminal, and the accounts, of course, are different. Two trade orders are sent to the same server at the same time. Which one of them SENDS first?

It doesn't get there for the reason that it's around Mars somewhere. Only a depot would be able to withstand such a drawdown. And the tees are as big as a mouse's willy. I.e., I have to wait one, two, three years to get 30 pips on the fourth year, if Kolyan does not come to this happy moment, this strategy?

No offense, but it feels like I'm talking to a fifth grader. Did your mother put a sandwich in your school bag?

If my depo is $ 1000.

1 point is 1 dollar

Stop 400(pips) dollars.

If the stop triggered - a drawdown of 40%.

If the stop does not trigger, my maximal drawdown is 399 p (also 40%).

Is 40% drawdown too much.

What kind of drawdown is considered normal?


If my depo is $1,000. The stop is $400.

If the stop triggered, I have a 40% drawdown.

If the stop is not closed, I will have a maximal drawdown of 399 pips (also 40%).

Is the 40% drawdown too much.

What is considered a normal drawdown?

If the tester is at 40%, there could be twice as much between closes, and on Real it could be dumped on the first day. It's not like we can test on the future! :((
Ifm in the tester 40%, there may be twice as much between closes, and on Real it may be lost on the first day. We can't test on the future! :((
Between the closes of what can the drawdown on Real be doubled?

If my depo is $1,000.

1 point - 1 dollar.

A stop loss of $400(pips).

If the stop triggered - a drawdown of 40%.

If the stop is not closed, I have a maximal drawdown of 399 pips (also 40%).

Is 40% drawdown too much.

What kind of drawdown is considered normal?

What lot are we opening with and what leverage?