Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 6. - page 269

Going to bed...

I don't think that such a construction in MCL would indicate what you want. So a piece of advice from personal experience: use brackets to explicitly specify the order of calculations, do not rely on the compiler. In your case you'd better (I mean more clear) write it in this way

if( (n>=0) &&(n<N) ) then the risk to make a logic mistake is minimal. IMHO, of course.

But if(n < N) is enough! If n is less than N and other conditions are met, a position can be opened! And n will never be less than zero! Thank you for your attention and advice!
I even woke up.
I even woke up.
Why would that be, eh?
Maybe the simplest solution is to run the EA on M1?
Yes, if the author of this question needs modification on every bar (once per bar) and it does not matter on which TF to work, then we can do it that way, so as not to bother with writing code for too many times.

I think maybe I have a problem with the Russian language: after all, I live in Ukraine and might have missed the latest trends in the Russian language.

This rule hasn't changed in Russian :-)
This rule has not changed in Russian :-)

"on" is regional, and Ukraine is not part of the Russian Federation.

"In 1993, at the request of the Government of Ukraine, variants to Ukraine (and respectively from Ukraine) should have been recognized as normative . Thus, in the opinion of the Government of Ukraine, the etymological connection of the constructions to Ukraine and to the outskirts, which did not suit it, was broken . Ukraine as if received the linguistic confirmation of its status of the sovereign state, because the names of states and not regions are formed in the Russian tradition with the preposition in (in) and from..." (Graudina L. K., Itskovich V. A., Katlinskaya L. P. Grammatical correctness of Russian speech. Moscow: Nauka, 2001. С. 69).

While by inertia some continue the old tradition. ;)

This rule has not changed in Russian :-)

It has not changed, but it is not correct, we do not say go to CANADA, FINLAND, INDIA, we say go to CANADA, IN CHINA, the same applies to Ukraine ...

The preposition HA is more commonly found in messages like go HA ... ))))

Can you tell me how and where to start trading?
Can you tell me how and where to start trading?

At least with whether you need it?

You will spend a hundred times more energy, time and nerves than you think... And not the fact that you will succeed ...