For those who are convinced that all EAs with a martin are losing out. - page 37

What is the point of trading if you do not withdraw?

Trade for a longer period of time - until the deposit grows to an amount that is sufficient for a stable life without poverty from bank deposits (or business, real estate), then withdraw it.

And not to constantly limit reinvestment (future profits) by withdrawing profits.

But of course everyone has their own point of view, everything is relative.


Trade for a longer period of time - until the deposit grows to an amount sufficient for a stable life without poverty from bank deposits (or business, real estate), then withdraw...

And until then, lie down in a den and put yourself in a state of anabiosis so as not to eat or drink).
Until then, lie in a den and put yourself in a state of anabiosis so you don't eat or drink.)

The money spent on food, taxes, clothes and other necessities should not be traded in markets at all.

The money spent on food, taxes, clothes and other basic necessities should not be traded in markets at all.
What if one is a professional trader and has no other sources of income?

Money spent on food, taxes, clothing and other necessities should not be traded in markets at all.
Agree that "trading with the money you need to live" and "living off the money from trading" are not the same thing.
What if a person is a professional trader and has no other sources of income?

Before you start trading, leave a reserve for necessary needs, i.e. an amount for 1-2 years as a minimum from my point of view.

In the process of trading, withdraw and replenish this reserve, so that it does not diminish too much.

Agree that "to trade with the money one needs to live" and "to live on the money from trade" are not the same thing.

1. "The money you need to live" is a relative concept,

2. "Money spent on food, taxes, clothing and other necessities" is a concrete concept.

It is not the same thing.

One investor I know. I wonder who the second one is :)

About overkill and overlap.

I do this: the measure of overkill is the time that the current level has not been surpassed in hindsight, measured in days.

The code is in the trailer (posted somewhere here earlier) . Filters:

1. Simple cut-off of unimportant values, for example - if the outperformance in less than a week's hindsight is uninteresting.

2. "Significance" of the overshoot on bar (k-n) relative to the overshoot on bar (k) is defined as the difference of the overshoots minus n. In other words, when this filter is enabled, only those rehashes are displayed for which the retrospective depth increment exceeds the time elapsed since the previous rehash.

In general, it is very convenient to use both axes for time: x is the current time and y is the retrospective horizon.


It's not familiar. I get a concrete answer to a question I don't know to whom, how or why.

Thank you, I will certainly take a look :)