Using neural networks in trading - page 22


I agree, I got into a lot of trouble.

But it doesn't work on a simple one.

And on a difficult one? - Honestly, does it work? :)

Works on both simple and complex

And on a difficult one? - just honestly - does it work? :)

Yeah, it works on complex. Like a spherical horse in a vacuum. :-).

Seriously, I have the feeling that I'm constantly trying to catch up with the trend and discover new laws of market changes. And you never have enough computer power to catch up with it.


Seriously, it feels like you're constantly trying to catch up with trends and discover new laws of market change. And there's never enough computer power to keep up.

And that too will pass. Then you realise you're chasing the horizon.
That too will pass. Then you will realise that you are chasing the horizon.

And then what will remain? Confidence and a clear understanding, backed by experience and science, that automatic trading is impossible? So it's all PR and luring suckers as meat to Forex? How sad it is...

Yes it works on a complex one. Like a spherical horse in a vacuum. :-).

Seriously, it feels like you're constantly trying to catch up with trends and identify new laws of market change. And you never have enough computer power to catch up with it.

i have a simple single-layer perspetron and it works....

Dynamic networks are a pain in the ass. And they don't work here.


I have a simple single-layer perspetron and it works....

but you can't show me because (there's more explanation with lots of one-way brackets and stuff) and it all works - guess what?
but you can't show them because (there's more explanation with lots of one-sided brackets and stuff) and it all works - guess what?

If I show you, it will work for you too, and I don't need it at all.

i have a simple single-layer perspetron and it works....

and dynamic networks are a pain in the ass. And they don't work here.

So I've missed something and read too many books... It's a shame for the time wasted. Do I have to start all over again? :-)

If I show you, it will work for you too, and I don't need that at all.

Sorry, I'll fix it:

but you can't show it to me because if I show it to you, it won't work for me and it won't work at all.