[ARCHIVE]Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass it by. Can't go anywhere without you - 5. - page 291


Boris, you're wrong.

I'm not going to delete that sentence, I liked it that time.

I never drank like that Boris. And I'm not honoured to be his namesake!
I don't think the name of the thread is the same as the content...
We're all new here! Can't you see we don't know simple things! Where else are we to find out! At least we want to know, not the way some people think that just ask to put in the code and immediately pump the money!
Sorry. Delete?
Sorry. Delete?
I'm neither hot nor cold! He is remembered only for that phrase, and for his drunken antics at the Berlin Wall, where he embarrassed himself all the time! He's like all the "leaders", let's say, one more "plutonier" than the other!
Sorry, Victor! I'm not drunk, but I was wrong, as MathPow(2.30259, 2.30259) = 6.82396. So it's not 10. And read up on the logarithm and explain it to me! All right?!

Boris. So I've read it, I haven't quite figured it out yet... :)
Moreover, the base is not defined explicitly, so what's the use of paying attention to other functions like MathPow()? Initially, everything should be clear as you go along.

Boris. I've read it that way, I haven't quite got the hang of it yet... :)
I never even knew about the logarithm! I'll look it up when I need to! Did you look it up on Wikipedia?
I never even knew about the logarithm! When I need it, I'll look it up in reference books! Did you look it up on Wikipedia?

Well, it's pretty good:


But this MathLog() function cannot be linked.

I just came across this function:

//|        Функция, определения минимальной разрядности лота                          |
int LotDecimal()
{return (MathCeil (MathAbs (MathLog (bd_LOTSTEP) / MathLog (10))));}
I want to understand how it works. That's why I asked.

So here it's written in an acceptable way:


But this MathLog() function cannot be linked.

I just came across this function:

I want to understand how it works. That's why I asked.

Debri! I determine the minimum lot from the free margin, or don't open it, so as not to run into a margin call!

I looked it up, it's clearer than in Vika, but there's no need to use it, it's too complicated! Arithmetic is more convenient, more visual!