Emulation of ticks from an EA/indicator - page 7


I don't understand how a tick generator can be used practically, and what's the point of using it? (except for sporting interest). If you know what to do with it, you may use it in your own practice (for example, you may calculate the average slippage taking into account bar, spread and tick volume parameters). The ticks generator in the tester is neither better nor worse than other generators, because neither of them reflect the real movement in the minute bar. And if you try to simulate from the ball - then to be realistic it would be nice to take into account the snapshot of quotes (damned if it is big) - the maximum - one third of a second for the lion's share of S&P brokers with rare bursts. But it still doesn't help, not at all.

I raise a toast to ticks!

If we introduce the tick generator in the indicator, the indicator becomes interactive, and there is an opportunity to manage it in real time, without waiting for the arrival of a new tick. It's a pity that this construction doesn't work on 64-bit systems. I have to modify it.
After that, another problem will arise - how to get this generator "right"...

After checking all available servers and computers - these are the statistics:

Versions of the "user32.dll " " kernel32.dll " libraries

Win server 2003 Standart (AMD CPU) - 5.2.3790.3959 - works

Win XP R3 Professional (32pc) - 5.1.2600.5512 - works

Win server 2008 Enterprise (64 RR) - 6.1.7601.17514 - not working

Win server 2008 Enterprise (32pc) - 6.1.7601.17514 - not working (same server, x86 folder)

Win server 2003 Enterprise (64p) - 5.2.3790.4033 - not working

I suggest the experts to figure out and advise how to make a library replacement in the system of libraries. If it is possible in principle !


I must admit that I didn't look for information right away my idea came up spontaneously, there is a clock "ServerTime" hanging on my chart (I don't remember who posted the code), so it ticks when a tick comes from my pair and the time coincides with the "Market Watch" window if it is only my pair, but if there are several symbols - ticks are almost never stopped in this window - all pairs that are turned on tick. So I have this idea if all ticks can be added and applied to my EA or the window where the expert works. If I look at it closely, I believe it's possible to put them together and apply them to my EA or to the combustion chamber where the market operates. Alexander.

P.S. Maybe, it is a solution to some extent?

After that, another problem will arise - how to get this generator 'right'...
You seem to be missing the point of this thread. It's not about actual ticks (price changes), but simply about event generation. I.e., for the program to think that a new tick has come. That's all. And it has nothing to do with the tester.

I must admit that I didn't look for information right away my idea came up spontaneously, there is a clock "ServerTime" hanging on my chart (I don't remember who posted the code), so it ticks when a tick comes from my pair and the time coincides with the "Market Watch" window if it is only my pair, but if there are several symbols - ticks are almost never stopped in this window - all pairs that are turned on tick. So I have this idea if all ticks can be added and applied to my EA or the window where the expert works. If I look at it closely, I believe it's possible to put them together and apply them to my EA or to the combustion chamber where the market operates. Alexander.

P.S. Maybe this is a way out to some extent?

If this watch is an Expert Advisor (not an indicator), then in all likelihood it is simply looped, so it has no problem getting information by a lot of symbols. That's what I wrote about earlier, that there really isn't much of a problem with ticks in an expert, as it can be made looped. But with an indicator this number won't work.

As for the different OS, it is still a mystery to me. As I wrote above, it works fine for me on 7, but other people don't have it for some reason. Probably something to do with access rights...

By the way, regarding "replacement libraries", try to take user32 and kernel32 files from WinXP(2003) and stick them in Experts\libraries folder on that computer where Vista(2008) is installed. What if it works? :) ...although I doubt it...


After checking all available servers and computers - these are the statistics:

Versions of the "user32.dll " " kernel32.dll " libraries

Win server 2003 Standart (CPU AMD) - 5.2.3790.3959 - works

Win XP R3 Professional (32pc) - 5.1.2600.5512 - works

Win server 2008 Enterprise (64 RR) - 6.1.7601.17514 - not working

Win server 2008 Enterprise (32pc) - 6.1.7601.17514 - not working (same server, x86 folder)

Win server 2003 Enterprise (64p) - 5.2.3790.4033 - not working

I suggest the experts to figure out and advise how to make a library replacement in the system of libraries. If it is possible in principle !

You will advise and specify in other place. Here you can only ask if you are not smart enough to do it yourself.

You will be giving advice and telling us what to do elsewhere. Here you can only ask, if you do not have enough brains to do it yourself.
Damn, guys, what are you so aggressive? There is a constructive correspondence to solve a problem, not a quarrel who does not have enough brains or not. I did not want to point out to anyone and the clause was """"Ifit's possible in principle ! A yes is a yes and a no in 'principle' is a no. You wait for any answer, what the expert says you will agree with. I think no one will argue. Alexander.

If this clock of yours is an expert (not an indicator), then in all likelihood it is simply looped, so it has no problem getting information across multiple symbols. This is what I wrote about earlier, that there really is no big problem with ticks in Expert Advisor, because it can be looped. But with an indicator this number won't work.

As for the different OS, it is still a mystery to me. As I wrote above, it works fine for me on 7, but other people don't for some reason. Probably something to do with access rights...

By the way, regarding "replacement libraries", try to take user32 and kernel32 files from WinXP(2003) and stick them in Experts\libraries folder on that computer where Vista(2008) is installed. What if it works? :) ...although I doubt it...

""""""" what about "replacing the libraries""""" and """" putthem in the Experts\libraries""""""" folder tried all sorts of things doesn't work - that's for sure.

You will be giving advice and telling us what to do elsewhere. Here you can only ask if you are not smart enough to do it yourself.
I do not quite understand your aggression either. The man simply offered ("I suggest that the experts sort it out and advise ..."). Where did he indicate to someone?