I propose a new formula for the volatility indicator - page 6


What's the use of volatility in the past, you will be trading in the future volatility. The forecast of the ox on the basis of what?

Every movement has an inertia. The stronger the movement, the more reliable the entry.

Or are you waiting for everything to calm down, put pauses on both sides, and then what?


There is clearly an attempt to kill a sacred cow. Here, personally, my feelings are deeply hurt. Where is the prosecutor's office looking at this?

Well, I just naively assumed that the main thing is the properties of volatility, which will allow us to get acceptable estimates for the future. What is the use of the fact that it rained yesterday if you don't know what and how it will affect today or tomorrow. First the process and its properties and then how best to estimate its parameters. Not trying to come up with a better gauge

Every movement has inertia.

Can you prove it?

The stronger the movement, the more reliable the entry.

Is the strength of the movement reported to you in advance?

This is an attempt to kill a sacred cow. Personally, my feelings are deeply hurt. What's the prosecutor's office looking at?

Don't waste your time! Write an opera, maybe you'll get a promotion! ;)


Well, I naively assumed that the main thing is the volatility properties, which will allow us to get acceptable estimates for the future. And what is the use of the fact that it rained yesterday if you don't know what and how it will affect today or tomorrow. First the process and its properties and then how best to estimate its parameters. Not trying to come up with a better gauge.
Yes I agree. But I am afraid that the topicstarter will not support such logic. He also has complete clarity with inertia.

Every movement has inertia. The stronger the movement, the more reliable the entry.

Or are you waiting for things to calm down, put pauses on both sides, and then what?

Well, you'd better start by checking if and how much inertia there is. There are serious differences for different timeframes. For example, for intraday, the time of day is more accurate in determining the ox than the previous ox
Can you prove it?

Is the strength of the movement reported to you in advance?

All indicators try and we try to interpret, but without a single opinion, but all converge on history, but of course this is good for lectures, analysis and experience.

All indicators are trying and we are trying to interpret, but without a single opinion, but all agree on history, but of course this is good for lectures, analysis and experience.
The criterion is experience. Even a tester will do. Opinions are rubbish.

The time is there. Bahai on MKL5 for the champ... Surgeon in 2011 flew into the stratosphere (for 100,000) on a mcd, you in 2012 flew into space (for 1000,000) on this... "handsome" ... :-)

Why not?

I don't like these lotteries. I'd rather cheer for you at the championships. I've already got my banners ready)))
I don't like these lotteries. I'd rather cheer for you at the championships. I've already got the scratchers ready)))
OK! :-)