Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 641

Only in comparison to the player here can you have a real advantage, in a casino not. Nekollin grail is a casino))) I.e. not about traders, about players. They are different hypostases. In a casino it's random, here it's not. Win simply by playing at a non-random - well, if there are willing to, who is against it?

sadly there are still such tendencies to look for grails in randomness

sometimes adherents of random-grail assume an implicit pattern in randomness (although by definition randomness is the absence of any structure/lawfulness)

here, adherentsof the random-grail may argue that they mean a hidden pattern not visible to the ordinary eye

But even in this case it is necessary that the methodology should work non-randomly (create non-random sequences from random ones).

Thus it is impossible to refuse the analysis of a price chart (and/or foundation) in some way

No matter how much some followers would like to get rid of analysis (usually they say that the price direction is unimportant for them, etc.) this is all futile

there is, however, a hypothesis

that you can formally define events on the price chart and represent them as a bit/trit/octet/etc flow and then look for stable characteristics of this flow

The flow can supposedly have inertia, which theoretically allows us to find the skewness conditions

in reality such flow characteristics are very unstable and hardly applicable in practice (at least for simple events)

It is better to go to a sausage factory and start producing jamon there


another depressing trend is the attempt to dogmatically apply the postulate that MM is superior to TS

in its extreme form this leads to the fact that adepts of MM-grail begin to violently apply high-quality MM to low-quality TS

the result, of course, is sadly little more than completely


Finally, another heretical form of evil obscurantism is the attempt to make a quality portfolio out of poor quality components

for example, this looks like an attempt to formulate rules for a set of subsystems which, being draining in themselves, should compensate each other in the aggregate by some miracle.

and in the end, in some incomprehensible way (through dynamic weighting) should produce an equity curve

should I say that all this is futile too?


sadly there are still such tendencies to look for grails in randomness

sometimes adherents of random-grail assume an implicit pattern in randomness (although by definition randomness is the absence of any structure/lawfulness)

here, adherentsof the random-grail may argue that they mean a hidden pattern not visible to the ordinary eye

But even in this case it is necessary that the methodology should work non-randomly (create non-random sequences from random ones).

Thus it is impossible to refuse the analysis of a price chart (and/or foundation) in some way

No matter how much some followers would like to get rid of analysis (usually they say that the price direction is unimportant for them, etc.) this is all futile

there is, however, a hypothesis

that you can formally define events on the price chart and represent them as a bit/trit/octet/etc flow and then look for stable characteristics of this flow

The flow can supposedly have inertia, which theoretically allows us to find the skewness conditions

in reality such flow characteristics are very unstable and hardly applicable in practice (at least for simple events)

It's better to go to a sausage factory and start making jamon there

I'm not an adept of randomness, but the adherents of randomness can in my opinion argue something like this:

If TS uses some kind of regularity to enter, as a rule, the market sooner or later breaks this regularity and TS starts to fail. And at a random entry any market pattern is not used, so such TS either good or bad, but it can work stably, regardless of changes in market characteristics.

Прибыльные алгоритмы на трейлинг стопах
Прибыльные алгоритмы на трейлинг стопах
Один из алгоритмов со случайным входом и выходом по таймеру уже исследовался ранее в статье Стратегия "Все или Ничего" на Форексе. Этому алгоритму было все равно, что происходит на рынке, и в каком направлении входить в рынок. Для алгоритма была важна только волатильность рынка, которая более-менее постоянна. Никакой прибыльности и убыточности...
and now it's a good time to join the official blo-blococo sect again

Is there no one left to make sausage from? Do you need new meat?

Hasn't Necolla been gnawed down and there is no meat left even for a small stick of sausage? You guys are eaters!

Aleksandr Volotko:

Is there no one left to make sausage from? Do you need new meat?

What, Necolla is all gnawed up, no meat left even for a small stick of sausage? You're all eaters.

Cannibal fantasy?


Cannibal fantasies?

You need to get into a cult. When they grind you up into mincemeat, remember your strange question.)


Unfortunately... better to go to a sausage factory and start making jamon there.


another depressing trend is the attempt


finally another heretical form of evil obscurantism is the attempt to compose a quality portfolio out of substandard components

needless to say, this too is all futile?

so, already lift the veil of mystery and tell the suffering people what they have to do and how (in every detail, the monitor is required) to make money on forex.

lots of pictures are welcome


The topic of the branch is "Bablokos" which reminds us of "Bablos":

"Bablos" is a very ancient word. It may be the oldest word that has survived to this day. It has the same root as Babylon. And it comes from the Akkadian word "babilu" - "gate of God".

Aleksey Nikolayev:

The topic of the branch is "Bablokos" which reminds us of "Bablos":

"Bablos" is a very ancient word. It may be the oldest word that has survived to this day. It has the same root as Babylon. And it comes from the Akkadian word "babilu" - "gate of God".

Nah, in this context it's derived from " female moose" :-)