Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 603


you gave this picture yesterday. it was 30,000.

If 1000% a day, then today it should be 300,000.

3k for a cent account seems to be the ceiling, no? although everyone has his own rules probably.

Aleksandr Volotko:

3k for a cent account seems to be the ceiling, no? although everyone has their own rules probably.

Why a cent when you have a demo account?


Of course - I'm a forex master and a pro -

I live only on the money I earn from Forex - and I can do it.

And you - Samburr- what can you do in forex? - just trolling and jealously messing around?

You live off the handicap, that's what they call a DC troll.

jealous of what? - everyone knows your pictures are fake.


Alexander, don't be offended. Everyone here makes fun of those who post their results, especially those who don't know how to do it like you do. What else can they do? Most people are ambitious and don't like it when someone beats them to the results. Yes, you trade at great risk, but the result is important. And your results are fantastic.

Read it again - how they do it -
80.000$ нахаляву
80.000$ нахаляву
  • 2012.05.19
Привет всем прочитал что скоро начнётся конкурс роботов на альпари Automated Trading Championship 2012 - 80 000 долларов США! хочу предложить несложный способ как без особого труда выйграть в этом или подобном же конкурсе (тонкий намёк на конкурс HOMO против ROBO схема не новая - её обычно применяли против форекс-клуба - когда они там итоги за...
do not be lazy, read again - how such results are made -

Yes, Nekolka is very fond of this trick with multidirectional trading.

he suggested people to participate in the contest with this theme.

but now everyone uses this trick in "Signals". no one is surprised by it anymore.

and all his pictures where he showed 20x, 100x magnification - it's all this stuff.

You don't give a fuck about the type of account - demo, dollar, cent, contest? Not from the tester.

I'd rather ask how he calculates diagonals and how they affect trade decisions. At least something practical.


Maxim Kuznetsov - at least take a look - follow the link - maybe you'll understand something

and then you won't need ddioG0nalys and so on....

Maxim Kuznetsov
Maxim Kuznetsov
Какой эмоциональный этот Mt5 ;-) Чем глубже копаешь тем больше эмоций, а копать приходиться глубоко. И поверьте, возгласы в основном в стиле "ну @# твою мать"..он тупой как пробка, терминалистый терминал.. Добавил тему как вывести объёмы стакана MT5 по уровням на основной график ? насколько понял супер-агрегат MT5 такого не умеет, без...

at least take a look - follow the link - maybe you'll understand something

and then you won't need any more di-g0nals or anything like that....

in this universe, the number of reasonable people's opinions on an observed event is more than one.

you should respect other people's opinions and take them into consideration

and justify your own.

The variation "you are wrong because I think otherwise" is from kindergarten.

and your justification - what, I still don't get it or it's not a justification ???
and your justification - what, I still do not understand anything or it is not a justification ???

and don't you fuck off... there's a special group of comrades out there waiting for you.

arguments, shouting, some demands for interlocutors, 0 thoughts, and ridiculous promotional links to DC.