Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 602

On a 9, you can go straight to the dunks if you catch it:)
If you catch it in the casino, you can't get it here.
Don't offend the prophet or he'll get it out and show everyone his huge, long stature :)

Yeah, he's good at drawing numbers.


Yeah, he's good at drawing numbers.



Of course - I'm a forex master and a pro -

I live only on the money I earn from Forex - and I can do it.

And you - Samburr- what can you do in forex? - You can just troll, and from jealousy, can't you just smear me with messages?


Of course - I'm a forex master and a pro -

I live only on the money I earn from Forex - and I can do it.

And you - Samburr- what can you do in forex? - You can troll the world and get jealous and poke fun at it?

Yes, only a virtuoso of manual trading can do that.





Of course - I'm a forex master and a pro -

I live only on the money I earn from Forex - and I can do it.

And you - Samburr- what can you do in forex? - You can just troll and get jealous and shit on your messagewrites?

Alexander, don't be offended. They make fun of everyone who posts their results here, especially those who are not as good as you are. What else can they do? Most people are ambitious and don't like it when someone beats them to the results. Yes, you trade at great risk, but the result is important. And your results are fantastic.


Alexander, don't be offended. Everyone here makes fun of those who post their results, especially those who don't know how to do it like you do. What else can they do? Most people are ambitious and don't like it when someone beats them to the results. Yes, you trade at great risk, but the result is important. And your results are fantastic.

The pictures.

the signallers who "prepare" the account also have fantastic results.