Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 575


It's not like that. Imagine that you have made a profit and put it in your pocket and managed to do it) Well done. But then you have to put some of the money in your other pocket by paying interest... You know? Or you're gone for good? All right. I'm gone. You run out of money, you blow it. What next?) You take fresh blood and put it back into circulation. This is how those who print money do it ;)

Profit to some and interest to others.

here the calculation is immediate, at the close of the deal

at the end of the deal.

Renat Akhtyamov:

profit to some and interest to others

Here, the calculation is immediate, without leaving the office.

Renat, I think there are different schemes in this particular case. I am beginning to understand. But I will not write these thoughts down for sure. To each his own.

I have no money from forex and I don't think there will be any. At least not the way they earn it here. Not by strategies and not by playing against the market, etc. What I wrote above and what you wrote). And good luck to you, I respect your tenacity and dedication to the God of forex. Everyone draws their own conclusions as the bump on their forehead grows.


Renat, I think there are different schemes in this particular case. I am beginning to understand. But I won't write these thoughts down for sure. To each his own.

I have no money from this forex business and I don't think there will be any. At least not the way they earn it here. Not by strategies and not by playing against the market, etc. What I wrote above and what you wrote). And good luck to you, I respect your tenacity and dedication to the God of forex. Everyone draws their own conclusions as the bump on their forehead grows.

Anyway, the basic idea that came to me the other day was this:

it's impossible to lose a strategy that works differently at the same time.


Renat Akhtyamov:

The basic idea that came to me the other day was this:

it's impossible to merge different strategies at the same time.


two different trades + different rebates?)

Renat Akhtyamov:

The basic idea that came to me the other day was this:

it's impossible to merge different strategies at the same time.


Renat, as long as you have money, you can come up with schemes endlessly.

I will end my dialog like this:

Be afraid of the smart guys who make formulas. Warren Buffett

Like God, the market helps those who help themselves. But unlike God, the market does not forgive those who do not know what they are doing. Warren Buffett

And the most accurate:

The market can remain irrational for longer than you maintain solvency. John Maynard Keynes


two different deals + ribeye difference?)

swan, crab and pike.

read a fable, sort of.

Renat Akhtyamov:

the swan, the crawfish and the pike.

read a fable like that

♪ swan the crayfish the pike ♪


Renat, as long as there is money, you can come up with schemes endlessly.

I'll end this dialogue this way:

Fear the smart guys who make formulas. Warren Buffett.

Like God, the market helps those who help themselves. But unlike God, the market does not forgive those who do not know what they are doing. Warren Buffett

And the most accurate:

The market can remain irrational for longer than you maintain solvency. John Maynard Keynes

No one's bringing the formulas on a silver platter here, it's personal.

you have to be afraid to take what's lying around.

and the last one is that the market will go against the trades until the deposit runs out

Renat Akhtyamov:

Anyway, the basic idea that came to me the other day is this:

it's impossible to merge different strategies at the same time.


Of course)))) You're like you're in the market for the first time)))
You can also do it)
Profit => deposit+profit-(commission+spread)
Loss => deposit-(loss+commission+spread)

Renat Akhtyamov:

No one here will bring the formulas on a silver platter, it's personal.

you have to be afraid to take what's lying around.

and the last one is that the market will go against the trades until the deposit runs out

he's probably using a stop-loss indicator)