Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 572


So someone is selling to you or dripping from you. There is no other way.

Generally, this market is for exchanging, converting. It's also for dealing with the risk of your portfolio. You lower your currency risks. That's the gist, I could be inaccurate in my words.

You really make money here only with luck, which is temporary. You are taking some money from people who did not plan to lose it and are not losing it. And that's not what your operations are for.

Why are you hoping to take money where you don't have to and you can't do it in principle? Trend and all that, it's bullshit.

Come on, man.

I was showing the tester

Here's yesterday's result of a real trade, all the targets are taken out at take profit:

Не Грааль, просто обычненький такой - Баблокос!!!
Не Грааль, просто обычненький такой - Баблокос!!!
  • 2020.06.07
нууу... так как пытливым(светлым) умам - мастерам математического слива не нравится Граалеподобные торговые системы... то и ладно...
Renat Akhtyamov:

Come on, man.

I was showing the tester

Here's yesterday's result of a real trade, all the targets are knocked out at take profit:

Renat, looks like we're chewing on the wrong side of the cactus, eh, looks like we're on the wrong side... I think I need to shave the cactus first, or it may be easier to take the cactus instead of the cactus! And finally something edible and not so prickly.

Think about it: If there's only two of us in the market. Me and you. We'll be chasing money until the commissions eat up our deposits. The more we chase, the faster we'll be out of it. This is how we give a bonus to those who give us the opportunity to chase money, you know?

Renat, I think we're on the wrong side of the cactus, eh, I think we're on the wrong side... I think we should shave the cactus first, or it's easier to get a non-cactus! And finally something edible and not so prickly.

strategy development is a pyramid

at the bottom there's a million of them.

in the middle, the most abstruse.

at the top there's one.

when you get to the top, you'll be laughing at the bottom and the one that's left

Renat Akhtyamov:

strategy development is a pyramid

at the bottom there's a million of them.

in the middle, the most abstruse.

at the top there's one.

when you get to the top, you'll be laughing at the bottom and the one that's left

I'm laughing at you. What's so frustrating is that you won't even know where you've made a mistake if there is one.


That's why I'm laughing at you. What's so frustrating is that you won't even know where you've made a mistake, if there is one.

Why are you laughing?

I don't have a mistake.

You're the one with the SB and the SCO.


Renat Akhtyamov:

strategy development is a pyramid

at the bottom there's a million of them.

in the middle, the most abstruse.

at the top there's one.

when you get to the top, you'll be laughing at the bottom and the one that's left

Renat, you're stubbornly looking at one side of many. This market is only one part of the whole, and that part is not for making money at all. That's the trouble. This market is for swaps, hedges, transplants, etc. There are probably more options.

They buy portfolios of shares, for example. And they hold them for a very long time and receive dividends on them. And they (shares) subside and hang in the sag for several years... On the rest, they mostly reduce their risks or recover losses. You know yourself that the fund is up - currencies are down. The simplest example.

Trading stocks is where they make their money. They play with and against people. Intraday, for example. The glass is there, they use it and only it.

There are a lot of shares, they choose the ones that are in the game (so they say). That is, similar to forex - when there is news and a lot of people will lose money, you can take some of it, if you know how. And the rest of the time there is no one there. Only if in the big ones, with a constant volume of large...

Renat Akhtyamov:

let it go on, 10% risk, nothing to be afraid of

although I have an 8% risk ;)

A couple more refills and it'll be zero.

Renat Akhtyamov:

Why are you laughing?

I don't have an error.

You're the ones with SB and SCO.


If you do, I'll show you the mistake. If you do not - then you do not have to write) The error is even more on the surface and it is not TS.


If you do - write to me, I will show you the error. If you do not - then you do not have to write) The error is even more on the surface and it is not TC

Tell me now, I am listening carefully.
Tell me now, I'm listening carefully.

tester doesn't work)