Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 561

Evgeny Belyaev:

Nice signals you've got, too bad you're losing it all the time.

So he's the one leaking here, and in the looking glass he's pumping money with a bucket from a BelAZ)

The prophets have all but failed.

♪ there's no hope ♪

everyone go to the factory

So he's the one who's leaking here, and in the looking-glass he's pumping dough with a bucket from a BelAZ)

Genghis, you probably haven't even seen how real people pump with a bucket

when they're pumping a couple of mill in the terminal.

they showed me, 10 years ago

they showed me 1st places in competitions with the same total depo

but it took me 10 years to make the simplest advisor...

Renat Akhtyamov:

Genghis, you probably haven't even seen how real people pump with a bucket

when they're pumping a few lakhs in the terminal.

they showed me, but it took me 10 years to make the simplest advisor

The soothsayer's sage must have helped...
10 years the simplest advisor... interesting))
Renat Akhtyamov:

Genghis, you probably haven't even seen how real people pump with a bucket

when they were pumping a few lakhs in the terminal.

they showed me, but it took me 10 years to make the simplest advisor.

there's a lot of money to be made in forex, i read.

fortune teller sage must have helped...
10 years a simple advisor... interesting))

the subject has been covered for a long time

but the nuances are off the table.

you know?


questions were even asked, but left unanswered (they were asked by alexander, ahahaha)

it turned out to be quite a task to find the right answers - ....

the spread is always there, always !

It's always there!

look it up and you'll be happy !!!!!

I'm wondering whether a chemical plant or a foundry is better
В России бесплатно выдадут препарат от коронавируса
В России бесплатно выдадут препарат от коронавируса
  • 2020.06.05
  • РИА Новости
Препарат против коронавируса "Авифавир" будет бесплатным в России в рамках ОМС, рассказал глава Российского фонда прямых инвестиций (РФПИ) Кирилл Дмитриев на... РИА Новости, 05.06.2020
Renat Akhtyamov:

the subject has been covered for a long time.

but the nuances are off the table.

you know?


there were even questions, but they were left unanswered (Alexander asked them, ahahaha)

it turned out to be quite a task to find the right answers -....

the spread is always there, always !

It's always there!

search for it and good luck !!!!!

I would be very grateful for mushrooms) Mine don't help much...

so to speak, to broaden the mind...

Renat Akhtyamov:

but it took me 10 years to make the simplest advisor...

In 10 years I never made one, and I just kept on flushing it out.

That's funny. When's the grill on your signal? Tired of waiting, disappointed.

The wipers have made more in 10 years than you have on forex))))