Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 555


investors are scraping the bottom line

scraping their haystacks

Z.I.: I will let you know when I open PAMM - personally, through the forum ))


It seems to me that the Grail graph should look something like this....

As the revolutionary said - "To earn you must lose." or something like that.


The film is no better than religious surrogates. It is clear from the outset that all the author's reflections come after the experience of an 'altered state of consciousness'.

And instead of inviting people to go through the experience themselves, by suggesting how, and draw their own conclusions. The author, like many others from Castaneda to the Kabbalists, offers the viewer

to assess only his own interpretation of the understanding of this experience, thinking that his version is the true one.

The film also deplores the dullness of most people. But at the same time nothing practical is done to combat this dullness. All that is offered is to question what is imposed on us from outside, without questioning the imposition of one's own point of view.

Aleksandr Volotko:


P.S.: When I open PAMM - I'll let you know in person, through the forum ))

it must be a grail!

Hail to the Prophet!

Evgeniy Chumakov:

As the revolutionary said - "To make money you have to lose," or something like that.

The opposite is also true: to lose in trading you must first make money in the factory.


The film is no better than religious surrogates. It is clear from the outset that all the author's reflections come after the experience of an 'altered state of consciousness'.

And instead of inviting people to go through the experience themselves, by suggesting how, and to draw their own conclusions. The author, like many others from Castaneda to the Kabbalists, offers the viewer

to assess only his own interpretation of the understanding of this experience, thinking that his version is the true one.

The film also deplores the dullness of most people. But at the same time nothing practical is done to combat this dullness. All that is offered is to question what is imposed on us from outside, without questioning the imposition of one's own point of view.

Reducing the sluggishness of the masses will lead to increased competition among the advanced groups - as a result, some of the advanced will become even more advanced and the gap will remain or even become more acute


And instead of asking people to go through the experience themselves, telling them exactly how, and drawing their own conclusions.

Mushrooms affect everyone differently.


the reduction of the sluggishness of the masses will lead to increased competition among the advanced groups - as a result, some of the advanced will become even more advanced and the gap will remain or even become more acute

sounds like "you can't praise yourself - ... "but they call themselves advanced, don't they? )) Leonid Ilyich would be envious))


The lowering of the sluggishness of the masses will lead to increased competition among the advanced groups - as a result, some of the advanced will become even more advanced and the gap will remain or even become more acute

I agree. Then why even lift the veil if there is no desire to actually and fully share knowledge. Some sort of "Judaic" approach. To dangle the "carrot of truth" in the knowledge that it will only bruise people's imagination but never lead them to real practical knowledge and practice. And yet you make it sound as if someone really and nobly wants to share

knowledge. Although there is nothing really useful. It is as if the author's surname ends in "-sky".


Then it's definitely a grail.

For you, yes, but for the rest of us it's still "something interesting" and nothing more