Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 553

Evgeniy Chumakov:

What the fuck are four arrows?

Can you paste the link properly? I'm too lazy to copy.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

can you paste the link properly? too lazy to copy.

sorry) didn't use the forum) but you could have been less sarcastic


Trance - even though you're out - here's a film for you...

https ://www.


Trance - even though you're out - here's a film for you...

https ://www.

The Spirit of Trance responds from other spaces: ...

unfortunately due to a change of location and some business I have absolutely no time to follow the sectarian news, but I will definitely be back and we will continue to loosen the assemblage point...

the picture is great, it's good that such things are done conceptually ... thanks it was a pleasure to watch ...

further <CRITICISM MODE ON> the scarf is on

It's undeniably a remarkable work, very symbolic, very much in the spirit of magical realism, and not for nothing is the Borges reference, and not for nothing is this work compared to Stalker and The Dozors, there's definitely that spirit, and pitching it as a visionary film helps smooth out/explain the excess of spectacular surrealism, Although you have to shoot real MP with a minimum of effects and collages, and all beginners sin with it, and more experienced masters can make MP almost indistinguishable from reality, but it's still very good and generally fits into the logic of dream catabasis (and in fact we are entitled to expect anabasis in the sequel)

An undoubted plus of the film is the central idea of the manipulation of axiological aggregors, the topic is hot and here it is very appropriate to remember the last Pelevin's novel on noosphere frescoes, and one cannot but agree that now the real struggle in the world is no longer ideological, In the film this theme is successfully raised to the level of a cosmic absolute, which makes the protagonist instantly from a microbe to the level of an almost messiah (this, by the way, is a rather famous magical device known from ancient religions, The main character is very well symbolized at the beginning of the film by a pawn standing on the last line, and that actually completes the first part of the movie, but there is another interesting aspect, the pawn begins to move against the rules (at least it seemed so to me), which hints at metaphysical rebellion and the magic component, however no wonder, it is a familiar theme.

The colorization and high contrast are great, the visual style is well done, but they clearly go way overboard with the vignetting, and you can't even make out the best in some scenes with the lighting...

But there are some disadvantages, and I can't help but mention them...

First, of course, the theme of meta conspiracy is enthralling and it becomes the centre of the film, and it delivers beautifully, but the huge flaw is that in the beginning of the film the author makes a subtle hint that he's pretending to do a genuine dissection, but there's no dissection, instead we see the retelling of well-known ideas, and it's long-winded and drawn-out, especially towards the end, which leaves you with the feeling of having been cheated, of having been pushed an expired product in the guise of something new.

Secondly, the interpretation of conspiracy elements is trite to trivial, there are even notes of technophobia regarding cryptocurrencies for example, nowadays it's not good to film such things, not to mention the completely stereotypical image of ZOG Jews, But anyway they are shown in a cool and charismatic way, so you can say it's a success, unfortunately, no attention is paid to Kabbalah mysticism (especially since a symbolic game is represented in a form of hexagram/star of David board), and the idea of sefirot and klipot would have been perfect... Especially in terms of emphasizing the denunciation of the degradation of educational systems, consumerism and modus vivendi in general, isn't that kliptots? and it wouldn't be superfluous to add eschatological moments from Gnosticism.

Thirdly, the political references are too prominent, even excessive, of course it is fun to have fun with Stability, etc., but still too much, although it is clear that the authors themselves are from those very problematic regions, so they could not avoid this topic.

Further, the farther to the end the more the departure to near-religion, in the result we are left with something like Tarkovsky's parable-pentence or just suffering-the-original tossing, generously seasoned with Russian cosmism... but at least Aquarius-con looks cool, it hasn't happened yet :-) a fierce hint towards Aquarius Era with concentration camps :-)

In general, the completion of such films is always a problem for author-scriptwriter - he has to make a painful choice which side to choose, which model and mythologeme to exalt and what to denounce or to leave the question open... the model in the film is primitive, the Gnostics would just sigh sadly, Grant Morrison's model of the world is more interesting, although it is a comic book... In part Zodchem managed to make an interesting move in the ending in the very last dialogue of the two Archons, where they explain to a despicable mortal why the System is necessary after all, and that it is people who make their lives unbearable and build miserable huts, and then they ruin everything and are eternally looking for the guilty, it is a good joke (and probably applies first of all to the inhabitants of Northern Eurasia).

But there is a downside of a purely logical nature: why would the archons explain and comment on anything at all? Here the screenwriter falls into the trap of the anthropocentric view like many others: the attempt to endow archons with human emotions is quite ridiculous really... well just listen to that pathos speech, is that the speech of the archons? I personally doubt it...

There's also the fact that the storyline sequences in general are quite blunt, especially the moment of abduction and fleeing; the impression is that the content was written in a hurry, and not really thinking it through.

In general, the depth of thought and logic all very much lags behind the same Pelevin, such as this board with factions - why six? Why the British and the U.S. represented by different factions? And some elements of clothing such as the buckle with the alpha and omega generally out of place ...

But the main conceptual flaw is that the authors seem to want to rise above the usual conspiracy and avoid blatant didactics and a black-and-white worldview (at least such an attempt is made at the beginning of the film) but end up slipping into didactics anyway, and constantly talking about "the enemy" and so on... In that sense the fiasco is obvious, and from the middle to the end there's a frankly didactic mentorship, which gives away the author's own monologue, you can't film like that, you have to go thinner and thinner...

Judging by the enthusiastic comments, though, it's a big success with a certain group of viewers, probably supporters of alternative history, readers of Kramola etc.


Thanks again for the film.

Might we suggest that Zodcchm could add about the Grail in future installments?


PS to all the prophets wish profits and new highs! don't lose! bye everyone!


Thirdly, there are too many political references, even excessive; of course it's fun to make fun of Stability and so on, but still too much, although it is clear that the authors themselves are from those very problematic regions, so they could not avoid this topic.

So the film is about those very problematic regions, if anything.

Z.I.: You better tell me why you have such a drawdown of more than 60%?

Aleksandr Volotko:

So the film is about these problematic regions, if anything.

Z.I.: You'd better tell me how you got such a 60% slump?

i think it was the petrolhead who gave me the package and i gave it to you for fun :)

Ask Tanker Truck.

i got a 77% drawdown (hehe) considering it's a mortengage

and mortengage always ends up being a bitch you know

Aleksandr Volotko:

So the film is about those problematic regions, if anything.

Z.I.: You better tell me how you got such a drop of more than 60%?

i usually avoid this toxic topic and there's nothing interesting about it.

except for one thing: somehow the principle of divide et impera has been in effect since antiquity and now.

Either the warring parties are really that savage or there's some kind of magic involved.

one could fantasize within the conspiracy of the film that Sarmatia has been sacrificed

and that there's a special secret cryptocult that needs human suffering, etc.


it was the good old petrolhead who planted this one on me and I planted it on you for fun :)

Ask the gas station guy.

No, if Petrolhead himself confirms it ... By the way - who is he? I really like to take the word of strangers on the Internet, and even more so near-forex geezers ))

and the drawdown so far is only 77% (hehe) given that mortenguire is there

and mortengage always ends up in the crapper you know

that's the thing, why would you want to keep an eye on that morter and show it to me? not at all, i don't think so )

Aleksandr Volotko:

Not if Petrol Head himself confirms it... By the way - who is he? I like to take the word of strangers on the Internet, and even more so if they're weirdos around the Forex market))

Maybe it's me.

That's the thing, why would you keep an eye on that corpse and show it to me?)

you know the rules... the mission of the prophets of decay is to maximise cumulative damage :)