Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 523


Good people!

Don't let me rest in peace - unlock the mystery of the Grail! I want very much to taste the delights of being, hitherto unknown to me...

You can never and no one is able to say when the pullback will happen. The price may move in one direction indefinitely, but you are able to register a sharp price change.
All the more reason to work with tics. Search. There are a lot of interesting things in ticks. But you have to look from above and below at the same time.

The riddle for the trader:

- Is it shining, but not warm?
- Margin Call!

There is no better indicator than the price and statistics on its definite events.


The price can go in one direction indefinitely.

It can, but it can't. There will be a pullback within a certain amount of time. Only it is hard to catch the point.

Apparently the competition came to an abrupt end.
Aleksandr Volotko:
Apparently the competition came to an abrupt end.

Is that what Anatoly wanted to sell for $10,000?

It lasted four days🙎


Good people!

Don't let me rest in peace - unlock the mystery of the Grail! I want very much to taste the delights of being, hitherto unknown to me...

Even if you find a grail, there's no guarantee it won't break in a month or a year.


Even if you find a grail, there's no guarantee it won't break in a month or a year.

I would rephrase it slightly:

even if you findthe "grail", it will break - in a month or a year, but it will definitely break.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

It's kind of a yes, but it's also a no. Within a certain amount of the period there will be a rollback. Only the point is hard to catch.

It is difficult because it is impossible to know when it will happen and what it is, what its signs are, when a real pullback happens and when it is just a correction for trend continuation.

Good people!

Don't let me rest in peace - unlock the mystery of the Grail! I would very much like to taste the delights of being, hitherto unknown to me...

The Bible says:

"In the sweat of your face

"you shall eat bread,

"until you return to the land from which you were taken,

For dust you are and to dust you shall return."


Even if you find a grail, there's no guarantee it won't break in a month or a year.

Yeah, too bad.

That's a shame about the party the guy missed.

If he really had the Grail, he'd be at least 200 times more profitable.


well it looks like all is futile and both prophets will go to the factory...

Ehhhhh no grail for us...

but maybe it's just some kind of curse...

it's a very abrupt end...