Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 423

In general, if we return to the topic of systematic trading, it is necessary to postulate that for true systematic trading some situation must be repeated in a similar way by the implication rule, but only here we will speak not about Boolean implication, but about probabilistic implication, i.e. not in the form of "That is, it is necessary to do some work either by observing the market or studying its dynamics on the history to find similar probabilistic relations between events, the problem is that these events A and B are not defined in advance, but it is good that at least the market is one-dimensional, but when we move to portfolios it becomes multidimensional... another option is to make a data-mining to automatically find the boundaries of events and their temporal implication, and there will immediately appear the second problem, which many shrewd grail seekers struggle with - instability of probabilities in implication, i.e. A-B implication is strong in one period, and weak in another one, And another implication B and G becomes strong, but then it degrades together with the trade system indicators, if it is based on simple implication, but in general, as noted by the author of the note (about the grail), there is no reason to believe that any regularity operates in the market permanently, and why should it (the market) be so? - many people get out of the situation by permanent reestimation of implication - by reoptimisation. You can even run several subsystems with different weights increasing and decreasing them depending on the latest tests, hoping the market has an inertia character and some temporal implication will last for some time, but it usually doesn't help either, so the solution is to create a truly adaptive system or trade via occult revelations... it is possible to build a non-salient trading system that way in about 50 years, but it is easier to go to the factory... or try to bypass the problem of bot's insensitivity to violating auspicious phase with manual intervention, or even trade on the basis of market psychology knowing its basic properties (it's been overgrown many times here about Forex, so I won't repeat platitudes), or, respectively, a purely situational approach based on the fact that time is working against us, and we should take an edge profitability in limited time, and quickly get out of here...
Aleksandr Volotko:

You're talking about mushrooms again, how many times?!

Why not... not only... there are many other ways to comprehend reality...


why not... not only... there are many other ways of grasping reality...

or escape from it...

There is no reason to believe that the market should always follow a certain pattern, and why should it (the market) always follow it?
as long as it exists, a constant pattern is working, otherwise it would cease to exist

- so many people get out of the situation by constantly reassessing the implication - by over-optimisation, you can even run several subsystems with different weights, raising and lowering them depending on the latest tests, in the hope that the market is inertial and some temporal implication persists for a while, but this usually does not help either, so the solution is to build a truly adaptive system or trade through occult revelations...
Then why not just take the appropriate substances? It would cost a lot less than the numerous lost deposits.

Substances are bad for your health.


I found a file here, author unknown, but the text is interesting, it deals directly with dough...

But the ending is strange, as if the market is not all leaking, it's probably a joke...

also take down an episode of mr. freeman with this text

Aleksandr Volotko:

or escape from it...

Actually, in order to cognize reality one must first leave it, it is obvious, how else? After all, any act of cognition is binary in nature, so if subject and object are enclosed in one space, cognition will not work, it will be only partial, for true cognition the subject must distance from the object, thus the operator (or observer as written earlier) must transcend reality, stand over it, for cognition to be true... some teachings of antiquity rely on non-binary nature, in particular advaita as the identical fusion of object and subject (atman is brahman), some deny one side of the process (atman does not exist, takota, tathathata, different versions, and sometimes even brahman does not exist), The extreme degree of gradation is when both brahman and atman are denied at the same time, this is especially cool, but postmodern fortunately gave us an alternative and now we can consider not only the binary character, but also the ternary, when between the subject and the object there is something third - the traject - which forms its own space - the imaginer - which in a number of cases is postulated to be primary in relation to the subject and the object (cf. It would seem that such an approach contradicts common sense, but quantum mechanics also contradicts common sense, but nevertheless successfully works as a model of the appropriate level, so here we can turn to a purely magico-agnostic approach, when we do not know exactly why it works, but it works... And it is obvious that the ternary trajectory is not necessarily the only option, there may be more multiplicative models with complex non-linear interaction, when subject and object that previously seemed (in ancient classical philosophy and metaphysics) now become just a part of a bigger system, a process boundary so to speak, while man in his anthropocentric naivety or self-assurance has the nerve to believe that he is the centre of the process while in fact is just a shell, using the appropriate modalities of the process. this state of affairs should at least change the attitude to the process of cognition, to trading and to the attitudinal status in general! - Otherwise, it will just be arrogance and senseless barbaric rattling of prolegomena in deaf immanence...

Unfortunately, I cannot expand my thoughts in more detail, so I wrote concisely in outline...


substances are bad for your health.

also do an episode of mr. Freeman with that lyrics

That's a good idea, hire actors, write a script... the scene would be like the CERN collider where a team of mathematicians decided to test new libraries and decided to try forex, they had no idea what kind of chthonic horror it would lead to, they thought they'd find the grail in no time, but instead... the experiment got out of hand, too thin facets and aspects were touched and as a result a portal to other dimensions opened up, ancient primordial archetypes of chaos were unleashed, dark cultists from all over the world secretly arrive to Europe to complete the ritual, secret services activate crisis protocols, the building of modern civilization seemed so stable and reliable, but in short time the basement of mythos was opened and logos was a small island in the boundless sea of chaos... A protagonist named Freeman wears the Joker's badge on his sleeve and he is the only one capable of restoring peace to the world, but at the end of the film, the colourless-eyed Juman appears and takes the grail and leaves with his suitcase, and the mathematics team are all sacked and go to the factory.

If you want to know reality, walk around it, but what's that got to do with mushroom or other substance abuse?

Actually, in order to cognize reality one must first come out of it, it is obvious, how else? After all, any act of cognition is inherently binary, so if subject and object are enclosed in one space, cognition will not be obtained, it will be only partial, for true cognition the subject must distance from the object, thus operator (or observer as written earlier) must transcend reality, stand over it, for cognition to be true... some teachings of antiquity rely on non-binary nature, in particular advaita as the identical fusion of object and subject (atman is brahman), some deny one side of the process (atman does not exist, takota, tathathata, different versions, and sometimes even brahman does not exist), The extreme degree of gradation is when both brahman and atman are denied at the same time, this is especially cool, but postmodern fortunately gave us an alternative and now we can consider not only the binary character, but also the ternary, when between the subject and the object there is something third - the traject - which forms its own space - the imaginer - which in a number of cases is postulated to be primary in relation to the subject and the object (cf. It would seem that such an approach contradicts common sense, but quantum mechanics also contradicts common sense, but nevertheless successfully works as a model of the appropriate level, so here we can turn to a purely magico-agnostic approach, when we do not know exactly why it works, but it works... And it is obvious that the ternary trajectory is not necessarily the only option, there may be more multiplicative models with complex non-linear interaction, when subject and object that previously seemed (in ancient classical philosophy and metaphysics) now become just a part of a bigger system, a process boundary so to speak, while man in his anthropocentric naivety or self-assurance has the nerve to believe that he is the centre of the process while in fact is just a shell, using the appropriate modalities of the process. this state of affairs should at least change the attitude to the process of cognition, to trading and to the attitudinal status in general! - Otherwise, it will just be arrogance and senseless barbaric rattling of prolegomena in deaf immanence...

Unfortunately I can't go into detail, so I wrote in a concise synopsis...

You should not go to the factory, and at Moscow State University to the philosophy department as a lecturer, you'll write a thesis, settle down and remember Forex as a nightmare).

Aleksandr Volotko:
as long as it exists, a constant pattern is in place, otherwise it would cease to exist

Actually there is one pattern - the portfolio always intersects its muving (hehe) - but here we will not be able to take profit from any deviation, it will be like in spread trading, which the famous prophet bequeathed us, the first known prophet, who is now probably acting under another name - for it may be that at some point the set-up is over, but we still do not get profit (like in the Jewish joke) - fortunately there is another pattern - the impulsethe portfolio constantly deviates from the set of muvings (ahaha) - but here too it will be even more fading and offensive because losses will constantly cling and I think I've seen such trading recently, but not about that now, because there are still patterns, more precisely a whole set of dynamic characters - and this is based on a specific tehanalysis, zonal-corridor breakout-retest and rebound from the limits of volatility projection - but also don't think that you can build a grail-automatic from it - other sources report that there are impulse portfolios that shoot very well in certain intervals, this is generally a very good approach in terms of money management - to risk a small predefined limit to be able to catch good moves, usually these sources are extremely silent and reluctant to tell about their grail-automatics, and generally speaking no one has seen their monitoring, so strictly speaking there is no reason to believe that they have a grand piano, but for some reason they do not go to the factory - other informants mention absolutely fantastic things like that there are optimal functions and superposition conditions that always lead to a stable profit - but it is clear that you can not even indirectly confirm or deny such things, this is no joke, and evidence canary(warrant can ary) will not be an excuse - I will only say that even if such things exist, then - I can't comment on it, because even one mentioning of it may cause hard feelings, but I think that those who know about it will understand - there are other very mysterious methods of assembling royalities - on peak-wave numbering and correctional cutoffs - it's hard to comment on it, because their teachings are based on postulates of a Brazilian and then we will be completely ruined, and for sure we will have to go to the factory, even the bonds will not help, it will hit everyone and the EM-markets, what a mess, but it probably will not happen in the foreseeable future, we will rather grow old and die, and the empire will still generate profits, on the other hand it is clear why and why it happens, there cannot be constant growth, and periodical depreciation is evidently important, for example for companies such as the well-known manufacturer of electric carts and emerging markets assets - so that depreciation would make it possible to buy them back cheaper - in its own way also a royal - and even without leverage, there are assets that do not need leverage, the same applies to the currency market, when even after significant losses it rolls back, though not to previous levels, but to a fair value, it is exotic currencies such as the Anatolian lira, where even the monetary authority frenzy and the general insanity has not yet set a precedent and the pullback after the August surge was very strong and swift, in strict accordance with fair value estimates, as it was with the exotic currency of the great North Asian empire in previous years, the pullback was very strong and on a large scale quite swift - that could be a basic principle of market dynamics - the desire for equilibrium to a fair value - but the estimates of that value can change sharply sometimes, That doesn't violate the principle either, it just happens that the fair value is wildly sideways, like it happened with bitcoin, or rather everybody was fooled and the collective valuation was wrong in the first place, though I think there is some subjectivity in it, and everything about grand pianos should be viewed with skepticism, I think that even a working royal for one trader may not work for another, this has happened more than once, of course this can be explained by a change in market phases, because this is why royals usually stop working, in some cases it is obvious, for example why crypto funds go broke and investors go out the window, in other cases it is less obvious, But the general principle is the same - and it will be interesting to follow the fate of the Vedo-Aryan rupee, because it is very uneasy there and the deviation has reached some incredible climax, especially it looks like a non-return on a historical scale since the 70's, but you should not trade that long, on a smaller scale rollbacks did occur and they were good, not as good as with the currencies of more successful countries, but the latter have less variation, which allows you to look at the trend models as part of a larger flat - which is very important for some traders, because it is this collective stability and cooperative work of the central banks that gives the Forex market what we know - and here portfolios can help a lot in terms of risk distribution - just as they limit the risks of impulse portfolios in favor of unlimited profits on any of the currencies - some would see in this an analogy with fox hunting and the famous posts of a very mysterious trader, but it should be noted,