Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 337

Completed some clarifications in my previous post )

By the way, there is another tactic to turn unprofitable systems into profitable ones. But that's the top flight of the hedge). The recovery factor plays the key role in this tactic. And seek to increase this factor by selecting 2 dispersions, so that at the moment of recession of one, the second dispersion of the second system compensates for the fall of the first, in a style of 1 system + second in - and both in the +, the total of +. Or vice versa (the logic does not change from rearrangement of systems) ......

This is just for the record, maybe someone will like this profitable pumping of the Brain ))))

IMHO ... Brothers

Sergei, check out the private message on the fifth forum.
Sergei, check out the private message on the fifth forum.
I did. There are a lot of things there. ) And what exactly?
I looked it up. There's a lot in there. ) What is it?

message from Stells ))

message from Stells )))

If it's aboutpositive MO. Maybe today or tomorrow I will release another article of mine, showing what laws of physics rule the market and in what form) And knowing how, you will have one more + in your favour. The article has been published before, but for some reason it disappeared from the web. No order. I will re-release it soon and may even start real monitoring on these laws ))) In the form of dablokos ....


Okay. I'll let you in on the secret of where I got these pictures from. Just be warned, it doesn't work in the real market. This grail only applies to a random random number generator.

The formula is as follows. The formula is as follows: calculate the median for each new number and then if the number is below the median, we open up. The fact is that it works using the generator and not on the market)))

If you want to check it, please follow the code below.) For MT4.

Finally, once again I urge you not to believe my pictures, don't believe Nichollen's, Joker's pictures or anyone else's pictures. It is all bullshit. Believe only the facts that you can check. Model Matryoshka is a fact, a public fact which anyone can check... Now it's all....

You have trade = Direction*(rnd-rnd_prev); in the line trade = Direction*(rnd-rnd_prev); there is no trade in the past, and therefore it does not work in the market, and it does not work in random
You have trade = Direction*(rnd-rnd_prev); in the line trade = Direction*(rnd-rnd_prev); it's gone in the past, so it doesn't work in the market, nor does it work in random

You're wasting your time. I told you, it doesn't work in the market. )


You're wasting your time. I told you, it doesn't work in the market. )

You misunderstood me your script doesn't make money on random, it's useless at all, you have a mistake. If I'm wrong then comment on the line above.
You do not understand me your script does not make money on random, it is useless at all, you have an error. If I'm wrong then comment on the line above.

Yehhhhhh. and I thought a printing press had been found )))

But seriously. There are much more useful topics to discuss than mucking about with what is initially stated to be useless, unusable )

We may live a long time and watch, but people's thirst for quick profits never disappears. Here is a question, why are you not fixated with your eyes on what works and bring profit, but so persistently waste your precious attention (and mine too) on what does not work. I told you it's not suitable for the market... ) Why and why, that is the question? ) With this approach it would take a lifetime to start making a profit from the markets if you spend half your life focusing on something that does not work for the market...))) Am I wrong?