Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 244


That's just it doesn't have to be. And it can go anywhere, up or down, wherever it wants. Or it can stay in the canal. And it causes some inconvenience :)

Not for nothing earlier in the thread Joker wrote that everything is not so simple. He left out the most important thing, alas.

Spread, driven into a channel, is a locally cointegrated instrument, after a flat, there is bound to be a trend, i.e. a disruption of the relationship between instruments
After a flat the trend will surely follow, by all means. But nobody will argue that the right border of the channel is the end of the flat.
If you realise that the objective in trading comes down to finding a statistical advantage, then the question of the synthetic "it can go anywhere, up or down, wherever it wants. And it can stay in the channel" will disappear by itself. We formulate the problem and look for the pattern (entry point in the zone 3), which represents the edge. It doesn't matter if we trade a single financial instrument or a synthetic one. In theory, the entire market is random, but it is always possible to "cluster" patterns, which will give the proverbial statistical advantage.
"And today, not everyone can look into tomorrow; or rather, not just everyone can look. Few can do so...".

I don't know who joker is, but he likes to play cat and mouse and doesn't have a real monitored account.

And who is a joker, I do not know, but given that the man likes to play cat-and-mouse, and by the way does not really zomonitorinogo account (at least)

I do not know who the joker is, but considering he likes to play cat and mouse and by the way does not have a real monitored account (at least).


I don't know who joker is, but he likes to play cat and mouse and doesn't have a real monitored account.

And who is a joker, I do not know, but given that the man likes to play cat-and-mouse, and by the way does not really zomonitorinogo account (at least)

I don't know, but given that he likes to play cat and mouse and by the way, doesn't have a real monitored account.

What's the difference in cat-and-mouse game by Joker, and cat-and-mouse game by Spider? In that the man in the paces it turns out more ornate, flamboyant and with attempts at sarcasm in his speeches?)

A really "working" PAMM - does not indicate a real desire of the author of this PAMM to really describe the real principles and algorithms of this really working PAMM.

Pop TA also works, and books and big names talk about it, but don't say what to apply this TA to and how to make it work, and without this small (but how to say) detail, all this talk is uninformative. At the same time this TA doesn't work with 98% of people.

Loser more seem you, because you are not able to get the same result, which makes you hysterical, probably dug through a lot, but did not get, and stand at the crossroads-dig further or not, and his PAM needs not him but you, to pacify yourself that time is not spent in vain, and there is sense to continue digging. But why the fuck does he need it? It's not like he's holding you back or dragging you behind him. He just "shares", I note no less (in practical terms for your depot), than other pseudo-Konfucius locals (whose altruism, I think, is of no more use to your depot than Joker's).

Why the fuck does a profitable trader need to monitor his account, I probably can not understand. I am not a teenager and I am not interested in proving anything, much less to every loser...

If you make a three-month bill, they'll say it's not enough, it's a good piece. If you make it a year, they'll say it's not enough. Why does he need to monitor his trades for the whole year in an effort to convince somebody...

You do not need to worry about PAMM, there are different options who needs them and why, and from both sides.

PS.You're that, be careful with Paukasa, he's inspired by the pride of 40 years of walking in the desert, he's a decade or so already giving speeches to not particularly gifted people, and not to lead somewhere (as in history), but for company, that it was not boring, periodically changing clothes for this king and other historic figures.))))))))))))

PPS. And your nickname reminds me of some Roman (and the post again about ten), who actually put money in PAMM pukas, but can hardly repeat his actions clearly himself, so he has no right to recommend his posts as more informative. That is why his posts are emotionally colored, but they are softer now, his posts have been shifty and bold and in red (it is understandable, the nickname is a militia in the past was ))))), now they are just emotions, the kid is growing up.

At the same time, he does not disdain to walk and talk in disguise. Although ... it used to be worse, he goofed on people and then calls them in an alias, but it was too shameful to use his nickname after he goofed on them ...

Roma, Roma, there are no ex-policemen, that's right...


What's the difference between playing cat and mouse with Joker and playing cat and mouse with Pukase? Is it more florid, flamboyant and with an attempt at sarcasm in his speeches?)

You have given an interesting text, especially about pams. managers (some) earn very good money. in fact, people study Forex for that very purpose and not for making fun of beginners.


What percentage earns all the time, and how much, and how much is lost on this background? Revenues in brokerage companies can bring not only clients with their accounts (and not as especially gifted people think-spreads), but also investors through PAMM, no matter client has lost their account or someone else's account. You think brokerage companies do not have luring PAMM accounts, which will lose in the end, but to drain a lot but slowly, you need first to get interested in this very PAMM, I do not need to tell you how. I agree that there are unbiased pammers, but they live as long as they do not take more dough than the allowed limit for the kitchen (as in fact just a client). but you will never get over it, because you can only invest in other people's pammers, not having your own profitable system. That's why you won't see the limit in the kitchen.

Like this doggy who learned to draw pretty pictures for simpletons.
For some reason, someone who does this with the avatar of the Tsar does not cause you such disdain as someone with the avatar of a dog, a kindergarten, for God's sake.... you would also make conclusions about income level by the spectrum of shades of a picture on your avatar...
As for the percentage that earns all the time, and how much does it go down? Our profit in brokerage companies can bring not only clients with their accounts (and not as especially gifted people think-spreads), but also investors through PAMM, no matter client has lost their account or someone else's account. You think brokerage companies do not have luring PAMM accounts, which will lose in the end, but to drain a lot but slowly, we need first to interest in this very PAMM, says I think not. I agree that there are some unbiased pammers, but they live as long as they do not take more dough than the upper limit for the kitchen.

You have to have PAM in a normal brokerage house (for example, Alpari). 10-15 managers (out of 200 in the rating) are making good profits.

Business DC-me as a manager is not interested.

They may be very disappointed in their efforts to solve the problem of human trafficking.

At top 5 managers at alpari, their annual income is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and it's not speculation but truth (it's publicly available on independent monitoring).