Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 26

I also thought about the overall equity of a few tools but Necolla is silent. Is silence an approval or vice versa? And Necolla?
hmmm... read the thread carefully :-) I wrote about total equity more than once :-)
hmmm... read the thread more carefully :-) I've written about total equity more than once :-)
Can I point the finger in this thread ?

By the way, are there any ways of comparing the 2 distributions with each other?

For example, the degree of influence of an instrument on another instrument can be somehow pulled out through the degree of similarity of their distributions.

Let's say there's a quid and all pairs with it. That way you can orthoganically build the quid index without mixing up other instruments.

by allocating the weight of each instrument with a dollar in the index itself.

That's like a ratio of increments from the distribution.

Or let's say there is a Eurobuck, and all pairs on the euro and all pairs on the quid. determine the degree of each of these pairs on the Eurobuck.


I would like to see a comparison of both the instruments and their synthetics.

I would like to compare the distributions and not only that, but also the distributions of the residuals of each I don't know how to call them, montecarrelsion or something like arctangensis)))).

By the way, is it possible to do multi-currency montecarburial?

The price of any instrument has no regularity and everyone agrees on this? Whether it's on majors or synthetics or equities. Martin is the only one who can make this rabble. So it's not the way of inputs that matters, it's the MM.

I'm going to try for 4 black cumulative equity on the screen.


I'm going to try for 4 black cumulative equity on the screen.

Nah, it's like this:


i'll tease a little more :-) i need to compensate for the energy i spent after the mazafaka action :-) i'll just be consistent....

First, I`ll show my statement - my six-months worth of trading :-) I`ll probably answer leading questions(if they don`t touch the cash flow too much) - then you may see ... 1 out of 100 people will find a TS which they can use.... and all the rest will have to take it :-) like the ... masters of mathematical bullshit in the next thread :-)


So you're still not going to fall down the GRAAL, then?

One answer: to cover all the positions by their combined equity value in the profit zone is not enough... :-(



So the GRAAL is not going to fall?

One answer: covering all positions by their equity value in the profit zone is not enough... :-(

Well - I've written many times before :-) entries and exits are not made from scratch... there is an indicator - showing when to open a trade... there is an indicator - showing when to open a trade and when to close it :-) but I will say very little about it - and the similarity I have shown on the example of Leonid's indicator(s) like this..: