FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 721


I suggest we buy the pound yen, I think it should run 100 pips tomorrow.

If I assume correctly, now the fourth is going for correction. The fifth is not far off of course, but when? ok, if from 38,2 but if from 50 or 61,8 or even 76,4? it is from 70 pips by 4-mark at best to sit over.

Greek prime minister: selling off islands no longer a taboo
Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras told the French newspaper Le Monde on 23 August that his government is open to the possibility of alienating part of the national territory in order to raise funds to get the country out of crisis. The politician set the only condition: the sale of the land must not pose a threat to the security of the Balkan state.

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Doesn't anyone want to buy an island? :)

Would anyone like to buy an island? :)

cool!!! i'll take a couple ))))
I just checked, people were taking sell-stops for the night.
I just checked, people are taking off their overnight stops.

can you see it? i never take my stops off.

will fall

That's right ...

Can you see it? I never take the stops off.
I don't know. Limiters get dirty

can you see it? i never take my stops off.
rephrase - pending stop orders to sell:)
rephrase - pending stop orders to sell:)

I get it now... they're just plain scared... it's ok)))