FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 539


I see you're holding on to your shorts.
you have to go to 2333 and then 2430 (the other calculation is 2460-70)

The US Federal Reserve (Fed) may raise its policy rate before the end of 2014, Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) Governor Narain Kocherlakota said, according to Reuters.

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Happy Trader's Day, gentlemen and comrades! Happy Trader's Day!

I see you're holding on to your shorts.

for now... we'll see...
Mon Tue Tue
10:00 Germany Jul Producer Price Index
12:00 Eurozone June Current Account Balance
13:00 Eurozone June Trade Balance
17:55 USA Aug University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index
18:00 USA Jul Consumer Confidence Index
Hello, everyone!

for now... we'll see...
rn Moscow
10:00 Germany July Producer Price Index
12:00 Eurozone June Current account balance
13:00 Eurozone June Trade Balance
17:55 USA Aug University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index
18:00 USA July Consumer Confidence Index

Yep, I got it...
Happy Trader's Day, gentlemen and comrades! Happy Trader's Day!
Hurrah Hurrah !!!!
Hurrah hurrah hurrah!!!!

Quiet, you'll scare the fish away ))))

According to the project, this unofficial professional holiday, Trader's Day, celebrated by Russian traders on 17 August, has every right to exist, because thanks to the hard work of our traders and the competent management of the financial base of many structures and associations, private, state, public and mixed capitals. This tradition, which is gaining momentum, appeared due to a seemingly sad phenomenon that took place in the turbulent 90s.

Namely the abrupt collapse of the rouble and the gigantic jump of the dollar on the Russian stock exchanges on August 17, 1998.

I remember your Prime Minister Kirienk, nicknamed the KINDERSURPRISE...