FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 295


words not of a boy but of a husband... all the way up)))

Although, if the hour is bullish, then here we go )))) And if not, sorry citizens speculators )))) Someone's blood will be spilled ))))
But what if you take out the volumes and look at TAs, figures, etc. etc.?

Margaret, hi)

I don't look at figures and TA so I don't strain my brain))


Margaret, hi.)

I don't look at shapes or TAs so I don't strain my brain))


I see, there is just a GIP coming up saying that we might fall to 1.2220-1.2235, if we can get lower than 1.2292.

don't upset me. I was going down this morning, you changed my mind, got into bai...

we're not here to convince each other...we're here to exchange opinions and have some fun)))

may profits be with you ))).

Although, if the hour is bullish, then here we go )))) And if not, sorry citizens speculators )))) Someone's blood will be spilled ))))
I'll be brutal and ready to die in battle ))).


I see, it's just that there is a GIP coming up, saying that we will fall to 1.2220-1.2235, if we get lower than 1.2292

It's OK too, I have one buy so far, stop at 2143.
Crawl, crawl:)
Crawl, crawl :))

Very thin spot )))) The top of the zig-zag at the closing price )))) Anything can happen ))))

A very thin spot )))) The top of the zig-zag on the closing price )))) Anything can happen ))))
So let's be optimistic :)