Pure maths, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training tasks that have nothing to do with trade [Part 2] - page 34


We were camping around the campfire solving it. We did :)

Mr yosuf' s answer is not accurate ;)


From here!

There's more:

Task 8. Analysis of seasonality.

Download from http://www.unece.org data on unemployment in Denmark, Italy and Russia for the whole available period of time. Perform a seasonality analysis. Compare the amplitudes and frequencies of seasonal components in the above countries. Draw conclusions.

google: Brown, Holt, Holt-Winters, Theil-Wage models, thousands of them.

Hello all.

Who's up for it:

A tree that is 20 metres tall casts a shadow of 30 metres.

If a year passes and the tree grows 4 metres, how long will the shadow of this tree be at the same hour under the same weather conditions?

I don't see the catch.

so there's no catch.

what's the answer?

I think the length of the shadow will be 36 metres.

So no one will give an answer ???
So no one will give an answer ???

Well, you've done the math - what's the problem there ? Actually the statement is somewhat incorrect. It all depends on where (from which course) the problem is from. Let me explain:

1. If the problem is from high school geometry, then the similarity of triangles.

2. If in algebra, the proportion. The answer is 36 in both cases.

But if it is high school physics, there may be a catch, and it lies in the radial dimensions. That is, a tree of a certain diameter, regardless of height, cannot give a shadow longer than a certain size ;). Since the sun is not a point source of light after all.

This is a problem from a job placement test. An acquaintance of mine asked me to help, so I decided whether or not to do it. I already sent it to him, though.
This is a problem from a job placement test. An acquaintance of mine asked me to help, so I decided whether or not to do it. Although I already sent it to him.

Then it depends on the specialty. The main question is whether you need to consider the radial dimensions, or at least know about it. If not, then 36 is quite a normal answer.