Random probability theory. Napalm continues! - page 22


that was sarcasm, develop your senses... of humour in particular. )
Why doesn't anyone consider the unequal strengths and capabilities of the sides in this fight, the market on one side and the trader on the other? The knight goes up against the tank. You only need to claim a slice of the market and then TV will be fine. The return on investment in forex should be commensurate with that of an ordinary business, albeit a highly efficient one. No, having invested incomparably less, they want TV to fix things in their favour. That's not going to happen. Develop the theme on that plane. For example, a randomly opened order with 0.1 lot on a 1k deposit has a much better chance of success than one opened with 1 lot on a 0.1k deposit.

I have written a hundred times. to give direction, refresh your views on what you take for axioms.
You can make money on forex using statistics.

Let's talk about something like this.

Every hour we randomly decide to open a position and open with equal takeovers.
(I suspect it has been discussed many times, but I don't want to search for it, so let's slightly modify conditions. Let take and stop be equal, but depending on the average volatility of the current hour, calculated using historical data)
Make for example 20 test trades.
And then do the mathematical analysis.
What do you think the chances are, that all of them will be losing?
Do you think the total number of losing and winning trades in (these 20 and the next 20) will be equal?
if all of the first 20 trades are losing, will the next 20 be losing too? or will the next 20 be outnumbered by the profitable ones?

If you have something to show, then show it.

If not, what's the point of all this?

you haven't given, refreshed or discussed anything.


Is that all? You have nothing else to say, or rather no more to say?

Then why did you start the thread in the first place? To convince everyone that you were right? You didn't, and those who agree with you already knew that.

You're sure you're right and I don't deny you're right, but what's the point, you want to argue about something, but you admit nothing but your thoughts, and to argue that you're not right, you need to explain,

but you won't do that either.

So what's this all about?

I give hints. whoever is interested will check it out and figure it out for themselves.

if you have something to show, show it.

If not, what's the point of all this?

you haven't given, refreshed or discussed anything

you don't want to decide anything, to think. you want a solution, a ready-made solution.
But without coming up with one yourself, you will find it difficult to believe it is true.

I asked you a question, a problem, I offered to discuss it. you ignore it. what else can you give me as an example?

you don't want to decide anything, to think. you want a solution, a ready-made solution.
But without coming up with one yourself, you will find it difficult to believe it is true.

I asked you a question, a problem, suggested you discuss it. you ignore it. what else can you give me as an example?
Leave the coin alone, solve practical situational problems from a TV perspective.

You don't want to solve anything, you don't want to think.
But without having arrived at it yourself, you will find it difficult to believe it is true.

I asked you a question, a problem, suggested a discussion. you ignore it. what else do you have to show for it?

Don't worry about it! Just show us the statistics and we'll believe you. Let us believe it.

You don't need examples - just spit it out.


Don't worry about it! Just show us the statistics - we'll believe you. In truth.

Don't give me any examples - just spit it out.

What kind of statistics do you want?

For example, have you ever wondered why the casino limits the bet on a colour? Because martin is beneficial to the casino, and the bigger the bet, the better.
Maybe because there is a certain limit, after which the probability of prolongation of the colour becomes unrealistic?

Back to the market.
have you checked whether trends are flat? in what terms do you measure trends? have you checked whether a flat, how long price manages to hang out between levels or support-resistance lines? how long does the duration of this hangout (in time, in the number of level touches, the number of ticks finally) hold up to a further rally? does the duration of the flat relate to the spread of a further movement? does it extend to a subsequent (through one) movement?

if you haven't investigated any of these aspects, my figures will hardly tell you anything.
Let it be 1.57. magic number.

If you haven't researched any of this, my numbers won't tell you anything.
Make it 1.57. Magic number.

Come on, come on, let's see the stats.

Come on, come on,

You tell that to your wife, if you have one.

I've said all I have to say.
trends are balanced by a flat, the cumulative tension of the flat is usually within very predictable limits
(see the roulette analogy, the difference is that here you can calculate statistics unlike the roulette and always find the zero point),
always compensated by a rally, sometimes in steps, but always completely.

who got me - God bless new discoveries )
For those who understand me, but have unclear points - I will help in person.

If you do not understand - you do not need to :-)

a smart thread!