Random probability theory. Napalm continues! - page 21

Allow me to take my leave, I've had enough.
Well, well, be offended. Try modelling it, you'll be unpleasantly surprised.
So show me, why the snot?

I showed you the door. you have to go in yourself, neo.

i pointed the door. you have to go in yourself, neo.

in short, there are no statistics. And be careful how you use the term 'sustainable'.

P.S. what's up with the cigars?

Well, well, be offended. Try modelling it, you'll be unpleasantly surprised.

I'm not offended, just bored.

In the first case, you do not make a choice! It's veiled, but it is.


in short, there are no statistics. And be careful how you use the term 'sustainable'.

P.S. what's up with the cigars?

Anyway, do you see a gopher? There is one.
you can't cook with your own head, you just know how to do it for free? sustainable is a good term. it's acceptable to me.

ps: what about them? you want it, go ahead.)

ps: what about them? if you want it, go ahead)
why get your hopes up then?
Why get your hopes up then?

it was sarcasm, develop your senses... of humour in particular. )

that was sarcasm, develop your senses... of humour in particular. )

Why did you open the thread?

Is that all? You have nothing else to say, or rather no more to say?

Then why did you start the thread in the first place? To convince everyone that you were right? You didn't, and those who agree with you already knew that.

You're sure you're right and I don't deny you're right, but what's the point, you want to argue about something, but you won't admit anything except your thoughts, and to argue that you're not right, you need to explain,

but you won't do that either.

So what's this all about?


Why did you start a thread?

I've written a hundred times. to give you a direction of thought, to refresh your views on what you take for axioms.
forex can be earned using statistics.

let's discuss the following option.

every hour we randomly decide to open a position and open with equal take-stops.
(I suspect this has been discussed many times, but it is too boring to search, so let's slightly modify conditions. Let take and stop be equal, but depending on the average volatility of the current hour, calculated on historical data)
make for example 20 test trades.
and then do a mathematical analysis.
what do you think the chances are that all of them will be losing?
do you think the total amount of losing and winning trades in (these 20 and the next 20) will be equal? why?
if all first 20 trades are losing, will the next 20 be losing too? or will the next 20 be outnumbered by profitable ones?