Random probability theory. Napalm continues! - page 20

You really fucked up. Get the fuck out of this forum, dumbass.

Isn't this the Shiryaevo-Pastukhov volatility? It's happening here too, isn't it?

Oh, I don't know what kind of dinosaur it is. I don't think so, it's simpler than that.
You really fucked up. Get the fuck out of this forum, dumbass.

Girls, don't fight.

Girls, don't fight.

Come on already, spit it out.
Not good.

Permit me to adjourn, it's getting boring.

Come on, spit it out.

you want me to run out and get you some cigarettes? )
you do not believe, why do you need this gemaroy?
calculate it yourself, write an expert who does the calculation of statistics on histories?
I have almost told you everything - think about it, do it, make sure it works.

no running for cigarettes? )
you don't believe it, why do you need this gem?
Why don't you calculate it yourself, write an expert who calculates statistics on histories?
I have practically said it all - think about it, do it - make sure it works.

I don't smoke cigarettes.

If there's a good cigar shop nearby, go for a PATORO SALMANASAR. Just make sure they're not too dry.

Show me, what's the "statistically stable value that (with a certain accuracy) signals that the market is starting to build up energy"?


Everyone sees what they want to see. if you don't know what a flat or a trend is, that's your business.
If you don't see how they change, that's your choice. the deaf can see.
let's say - that means there is one, but you (personally) will not be told.
As for the equilibrium in the markets - again, it is a matter of faith. do you believe in buddha?
You use indicators, i use statistics. why do you think you are smarter? on what basis?
i have tried it, i do it. what should i tell you if you do not believe? what is the point of telling an atheist about christ's miracles? :-)))

Mutual. If you don't like it, don't eat it. Am I forcing you to?
what miracles? a variation on the theme of a breakdown after a consolidation? this topic is a hundred years old. ;) it has nothing to do with the new way of looking at mathematics...
What miracles? a variation on the theme of breakdown after consolidation? this topic is a hundred years old. ;) what's the new view on maths...

So you know about consolidation. But you don't know about the flat.

I wasn't trying to draw attention to the fact that the process (the market, in this case, or a sequence of spins) has several regularities with a normal distribution, but only one of them is usually seen by everybody. I'm not claiming to be an author.

to the question about breakdown after consolidation - do you have any indicator that consolidation has started/completed/in_process?

I have statistics that allow to determine this with sufficient accuracy, because they lie within quite tight limits and are almost identical on different pairs.
what is wrong with that?

I have a statistic that allows me to determine this with reasonable accuracy, because it is within a fairly tight range, and it is almost identical on different pairs.
What's wrong?
so show me, why the snot?