Random probability theory. Napalm continues! - page 19


"How about you!" replied the Lord with a deep sigh.

No, you are seriously annoying already.

So where is the topiker? "there is some statistically stable value which (having a certain accuracy) signals that the market is starting to store energy."?

Don't waste time, go for the books.

You should be moving on to proper books by now, but you're still learning about life from comic books.

Everyone sees what they want to see. if you don't know what a flat or a trend is, that's your business.
If you don't see how they change, that's your choice. the deaf can see.
let's say - that means there is one, but you (personally) will not be told.
As for the equilibrium in the markets - again, it is a matter of faith. do you believe in buddha?
You use indicators, i use statistics. why do you think you are smarter? on what basis?
i have tried it, i do it. what should i tell you if you do not believe? what is the point of telling an atheist about christ's miracles? :-)))

Mutual. if you don't like it, don't eat it, do i force you?

Everyone sees what they want to see. if you don't know what a flat and a trend is, that's your business.
If you don't see how they change, that's your choice. the deaf can see.
let's say - that means there is one, but you (personally) will not be told.
As for the equilibrium in the markets - again, it is a matter of faith. do you believe in buddha?
You use indicators, i use statistics. why do you think you are smarter? on what basis?
i have tried it, i do it. what should i tell you if you do not believe? what is the point of telling an atheist about christ's miracles? :-)))

Mutual. If you don't like it, don't eat it. Am I forcing you to?

so what's up with the statistically stable value?

No, you're seriously annoying.

So where is the topiker? "there is some statistically stable value which (having a certain accuracy) signals that the market is starting to store energy."?

What's not clear? It's there. It's found, processed, activated. Shall I put it out on a silver platter or what?

What's not clear? It's there. It's found, it's been processed, it's been used. Shall I put it on a platter or what?

Come on. No need for a platter.
Swat the mitten.

Why isn't it clear? It's been found, processed, and activated. Shall I put it out on a silver platter or what?

Isn't it the Shiryaevo-Pastukhov volatility? It has a place here, too.
Don't waste any time, go ahead and get the books.

During the first choice:

The probability of a favourable outcome is 1/3, an unfavourable outcome 2/3.

Total 3/3 = 1

You do not know whether the outcome is favourable or unfavourable.

The facilitator discards one option and asks you to choose again.

For the second choice:

The probability of a favourable outcome is 1/2, the probability of an unfavourable outcome is 1/2.


1 * 1/2 = 1/2

Not good.