PAMM account - page 4


I have a conservative game. I only need a few % above what the bank gives me. The rest can be changed by the amount of deposit.

I don't think it's serious to open an account with $50 or $100 and make 100% a month. (why ?, i don't think i should tell you.)

I think so.

You have nothing yet but a system and funds in your account. Time will tell whether the game will be conservative or not. The account is only two months old, which is too little time to draw any conclusions and even less time to invest.

The question is rhetorical with sarcasm:

So why not do from 900-950 100% per month. ?

the answer is simple: you can catch a stop and then what?

The question is rhetorical with sarcasm:

So why not do from 900-950 100% per month. ?

The man has a non-risky system, there are high-yielding ones but the risk is there too. Two different systems with two different results. There are clients in both. Investors form a portfolio of risky and conservative ones. You should not spread yourself thinly, but rather concentrate on one thing.

The question is rhetorical with sarcasm:

So why not do from 900-950 100% per month. ?

I think that the structure of the price range itself is not conducive to such percentages.

I think the price range structure itself is not conducive to this kind of percentage.


I think that the structure of the price range itself is not conducive to such percentages.

I would like to ask you a question: what is your maximum drawdown?

So far it has been 0.25% and if you want to hear from me what it will be in the future, it is not up to me.

I don't know the future and I don't promise the maximal drawdown % and profit % like most professional traders do.


One does not have a risky system, there are high-yielding systems, but there is a corresponding risk. Two different systems with two different results. There are clients in both. Investors form a portfolio of risky and conservative ones. You should not spread yourself too thinly, it's better to concentrate on one thing.
Anyway, good luck to you and more profits.

So far it has been 0.25% and if you want to hear from me what it will be in the future, it's not up to me.

I do not know the future and I will not promise maximum drawdown % and profit %, as some "professional traders " do.

Well, where is the limit of losses, at which you will stop trading and close the PAMM?
Where is the loss limit at which you will stop trading and close the PAMM?

Well, I think about +\- 50-60% I will think about it. And whether there will be this 50%, time will tell.

I cannot say for sure.


As for investors, it is up to each individual to choose the amount they are not prepared to lose.

In general, one should be prepared to lose the entire deposit (I mean financially). The deposit should be the amount after the loss of which a person can continue to live normally.

Some people borrow from friends, some pay back the last of their money, some take out loans from banks.


I think at around +\- 50-60% I'll think about it. And whether it's 50% or not, time will tell.

I can't say for sure.

I see... all with you)