FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 518


When the week's trade moves above the contract level, you can buy in bai with a stop loss of 20 pips under the contract.

Are you laughing at me?
realised it was Friday already! or is it the next one?

It was, I remember it was, and I remember your moans about moose that you had to work off for two years)))
Are you laughing at me?

I don't mean it.) I'm the kindest person in the world.)

About that dialogue: While Mobile closed his sells I took more than five profit figures from the bays. Why, do you want to repeat his feat? So what's the deal, sell and go.
As far as I know he was awake and trading both ways at the same time...

I was, I remember that I was, I remember your moans then about moose that you had to work off for two years)))
moose in the past.
Joined Ishim, sold at 1.2310, gold went into correction, hopefully in such moments one should not be afraid of sharp rises, but stop is very short, 15-20pp, risky of course.

When the week's trade moves above the contract level, we can add in bai with a stop loss of 20 pips under the contract.


I don't mean it badly)))) I'm just the kindest person in the world.)
so am i )))).


2280, difference futures/spot 10pp.