FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 469

people have started to put limiters on 2315:) or i have something wrong with the quotes...
That's how I don't see an increase. counting on the European at 1.225
that's how I don't see the rise. counting on the euro at 1.225

Don't beat yourself up, you're not the only one)))

that's how I don't see the rise. counting on the euro at 1.225
To buy will be 1.2260 - 1.2290 and then to storm 1.24.
Buying will be at 1.2260 - 1.2290 and then take off at 1.24.

Why are you awake, brother Ishim, Europe is still sleeping))))

Buying from 1.2290, but buying is weak.


What's up, brother Ishim, Europe is still sleeping))))

They are already buying little by little from 1.2290, but buying is weak.

8:00! Some business at 10:00 I'll be at the desk... - will be taking the minimum (+ - 5pp)
will buy at 1.2260 - 1.2290 and then go for the assault at 1.24.
In my opinion, we will get to 1.232 first ...
And I went short at 1.2288, I'm sitting and looking at the still slight downside.
And I went short at 1.2288, I'm sitting and looking at the still slight downside.
I could also sell somewhere at 2440.

There may have been coincidences, but they seemed too accurate to me. What puzzled me was that it was the important, life-changing years that fell into the corners. It's all interesting, but I don't understand it.)

Well, Gunn didn't invent the square, he borrowed it as far as I remember (a time-tested coding you could say)... cycles work in astrology...
The coding is based on that... and no wonder many things coincided... but they are hardly applicable to FX... sometimes... I found an old forecast... the eu went down... it went into a cycle on astrodynamics... next time it may not... or rather will not)))