FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 437


the last candle if formed... a reversal.)

the last candle if it's formed... a reversal...
you don't want to leave a position for the weekend... I'm just thinking out loud.
60:9=6.6666666666...........7 and he's laughing after every phrase --- use it and I'll love it)))
Almost 6, honey, if not too picky )))) By the way, you can remove all that 60 is not divided, but who is better from it? ))) I think the market does not really care what we divide by what ))))
Almost 6, honey, if you're not too picky ))))

can i not shove all this stuff in my room? i'll watch you kamikazes)))) robotototototototototototototechniki darn it)))
don't drink jack daniels after vodka.... but it's always a good idea to leave a position... you make a decision, you put a stop and a take... that's it... a position is like sex... only you and her) it's not negotiable, you either gave her a hand or not and how you screwed her or blew her off... it's personal-)

Can I not shove all this stuff in my room? I'll look at you kamikazes)))) robototototototototechnics, man)))
You're allowed to do anything)))

why a divorce? and what difference does it make whether the candle is white or black, i sometimes enter at the very peaks almost on the tips of low or high. so....
I wonder if Gunn were alive now, would he be making robots too, or would he be using a compass to make his swirls the old-fashioned way...
I wonder if Gunn was alive now, would he be making robots too, or would he be using a compass to make his swirls the old fashioned way...
Gunn, darling, has not seen a forum in front of his eyes )))
perhaps, Gunn has left a lot behind in general, my only regret is that I was a late starter in the field...