FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 427

it's always going somewhere! if you can't see m15 - where's the guarantee you're looking at H4 correctly, eh?

I'm telling you separately, I told the others a couple of months ago - I don't care about the time and price, there is no m15, 20, 30...

As my grandfather used to say, you'd better drink))))))))


So why did you sell yesterday? I realised at the beginning of the week that it was time))) Where are we going now, see? Just don't forget to take 10 pips off.

I see (I don't see my followers), I would like to write you (although it's my own speculation) - the price goes and meets a trend line and tries to break it, then breaks it and goes further! And they make some trades (volumes) and you see the trades and shout - here they are! And there is only a trendline (slope) and you can watch where it goes - and not worry.

I got what I wrote to you at the beginning of the week - the buying has started.

How to trade and where I never advise anyone

What I bought, what I fixed or left is my own business and I don't give a shit about the forums.

I do not know, then I will see, and guessing on charts and dashes do it without me.

you wrote that you fixed it (no one asked you to write it yourself), so you didn't know it was going into the 25th
Out of the flag, the resistance and the "RAKETA" remain.
I see (I don't see my adherents), I wanted to write to you by volumes (although this is my own speculation) - the price goes and meets a trend line and tries to break through it, and beats there - then it breaks through and goes further! And they make some trades (volumes) and you see the trades and shout - here they are! And there is only a trendline (slope) and you can watch where it goes - and not worry.

I see (I don't see my adepts) I wanted to write to you (although my speculations are my own).


I'm telling you separately, I told the others a couple of months ago - don't care about the TF, it's price and time, no m15, 20, 30...

As my grandfather used to say, you'd better drink))))))))

You're wrong, but you don't know how to do it, don't use it.
You wrote that you fixed it (no one asked you, you wrote it yourself), so you didn't know that you were going to 25th

You're a fool, you'll die a fool.)

Some of the profits should always be taken away at once

And where we are going I do not know even now, I do not see the future, flawed.


Add more information about how the price is beaten into the 200 mashka and it will be like on MT5

You used to draw it yourself - what should I tell you... (you know it all - don't pick on me )

You're a fool, you 'll die a fool.)

Some of the profits should always be taken away at once

I don't know where we're going even now, I can't see the future.

I hope to be enlightened - I will come to you in the mental field (well, it's like a ghost)
Ishim: и
And from the 200 bounces off the mashka, but the main thing is trending! You used to draw yourself - what can I tell you ... (you know it all - don't pick on me)
