FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 322

I think for tomorrow a flat followed by a failure.

a bedtime story ))) one possibility...

Please post all options
and for the 7th of May when?

There was a gap in Audi half a year ago as well, but it was closed)The question is where will it be closed)


a bedtime story ))) one possibility...

as always a bedtime story comes true ))))
Please post all options

and the other on the fall is small...but I doubt it...

In Audi we had a gap half a year ago too, but they closed it )The question is where will they close it)

We went and went and remembered...we need to close the gap )))) How come we didn't close it )))

I think tomorrow is a flat with a subsequent failure....
Today is the low of the day in the European session, the high of the day in the US session. I think that's the sawtooth way we'll go, gradually going down. Failure later. After the upside shot in Europe. We don't know where we are going. This is the "who knows" and they will be breaking through.
LOL! That's right!!!
According to my turkeys, we're going up early... So I salted a small lot as I'm afraid)

I agree with this screenshot...