learn how to earn money villagers [Episode 2] ! - page 456

Лекарь Центозависимых:

Friend, it's uncivilised to talk like that to an older man. I'm sorry, but it's hard to read.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Friend, it's uncivilised to talk like that to an older man. I'm sorry, but it's hard to read.

I agree, but senior doesn't mean right. If Hitler was in front of you with a stick and retired, would you speak to him culturally? A man deserves respect not because of his age, but what he is inside.

Yeah, I don't like it. I'm happy with it. ))) Now that you've been in the shoes of those you insult, maybe you'll be more circumspect and think before you insult others. That's the end of the argument with you.

Where are you going, you cowardly fart? Wait, we're not done here.
Aleksei Stepanenko:

Friend, it's uncivilised to talk like that to an older man. I'm sorry, but it's hard to read.

I was on a first-name basis with him for years, even though he farted then as much as he does now. But there's a limit to everything. He's had enough.
Guys, I'm ready for everyone with a good heart, as Roma says, but if a person is so cruel that everyone shits on you in response to your world, then that person shits on himself! No one deserves pity or kindness from anyone.
Aleksei Stepanenko:

Friend, it's uncivilised to talk like that to an older man. Sorry, but it's hard to read.

Healer of the Centrally Dependent:
Guys, I'm good to everyone, as Roma says, but if a person is so cruel that everyone shits on you in response to your world, then that person shits on him/herself! Such a person deserves neither pity nor kindness from anyone.

a lot of patsies :-) now we're all getting banned here by those raaptors who have nothing better to do, and from nsk - i mean artem with a cat too (although he's so... average-good) :-) and muzzilkins, muzichenko and such like them, they will take down a branch.... :-)

(WEAKLY we will organize a new one) :-)

Лекарь Центозависимых:
Where are you going, you cowardly fart? Wait, we're not done yet.

All right, if that's the way you want it, I'll listen to you, my boy. What else have you got to say for yourself and what insults can you come up with? I see you're already short on new insults - you're repeating yourself and it's getting uninteresting. I'm prepared to offer you new ones to add to your repertoire. I understand that there are many people on this forum and there aren't enough original slurs for everyone. For example: a sick head, riddled with cancer, senile old man, an old wreck, a walking corpse, a walking cemetery of steaks, ... All right, that's enough for now, and then I'll throw in some more. Now you're all set, you can go on.))


All right, if that's the way you want it, I'll listen to you, my boy. What else have you got to say for yourself and what insults can you come up with? I see you're already short on new insults - you're repeating yourself and it's getting uninteresting. I'm prepared to offer you new ones to add to your repertoire. I understand that there are many people on this forum and there aren't enough original slurs for everyone. For example: a sick head, riddled with cancer, senile old man, an old wreck, a walking corpse, a walking graveyard of steaks, ... All right, that's enough for now, and then I'll throw in some more. Now you're all set, you can go on.))

I'll make it worse for you. I'm warning you for the last time, if you don't stop and humble your pride, I will curse you before God forever. And let me be banned, but you will forever lose the most important thing of all. And that will be your choice. I suggest you stop once more and go for peace.
Лекарь Центозависимых:
I'll make it worse for you. I'm warning you for the last time, if you don't stop and humble your pride, I will curse you before God forever. And may I be banned, but you will be forever deprived of the most important thing of all. And that will be that choice. I suggest you stop once more and go for peace.

First of all, I'm an atheist and God doesn't bother me, even if you are a black magician. Second of all, I said I was ending the argument, but you said, " Why, where are you going, you cowardly fart? Wait, we're not done yet."

So who doesn't want peace?

Лекарь Центозависимых:
with a stick and retired, would you be nice to him? A man deserves respect not because of his age, but for what he is inside.

Eh, all is not easy in the world. I read his book and I understand the reasons for his cruelty. He wrote that his father was a hard, oppressive man.

And I ask myself, could I have been like him in those circumstances? The answer is obvious, of course you could. Should I hate him? No, you shouldn't. Pity, yes, for his victims and for him. Evil begets evil. There's no other way.