learn how to earn money villagers [Episode 2] ! - page 455

Лекарь Центозависимых:
Well done, started generating ideas. But any boo or trawl, wouldn't you believe, reduces profits as the noise starts to pick up, but if you were to wing it, it's already yours and the market won't take it back.

That's the way it is now - I told you everything (I knew it before... :-)), I just do what I do and it works...


here are the channels - from here.

the main thing - so this "greed" for a trawl + 60 pips - instead of the "normal" 20 pips - does not lead to a 4 to 13 flip, like the price not reaching 60 pips for a trawl via a boo - take (stop size), it rolls back in another flip....

like 280 pips stop + 60 - that's 340 take... price reaches 320 pips and rolls to the other side of the open order - and again a rollover to inflate volumes and the rest... :-)

учитесь зарабатывать селяне [Эпизод 2] !
учитесь зарабатывать селяне [Эпизод 2] !
  • 2020.06.18
  • www.mql5.com
Прошу селянскую партию писать сюда, а то тормозит очень ваша старая веточка...
Лекарь Центозависимых:
Well done, you have started generating ideas. But any boo or trawl, wouldn't you believe, reduces profits as the noise starts to pick up, but if you were to wing it, it's already yours and the market won't take it back.
i'm doing it now - it's enough, but maybe you can mart more efficiently? :-)

Note, no one here on this forum has insulted me in many years (I don't consider criticism of experts an insult) and most treat me with respect, taking my experience and age into account. No one but you. You are the only one, a bad boy with a sword in hand, fighting with me. Maybe you want to raise your rating by doing that. Don't get your hopes up. By criticising and insulting everyone and everything, you'll only turn people against yourself. That's not courage or bravery, because you sit on the Internet and are protected from everyone. If this were a face-to-face conversation, you would have been beaten up by someone long ago. And your brains would be in place.

+ :-) But it's the 'doctor' lecturer from the cents...

Note, no one here on this forum has insulted me in many years (I don't consider criticism of experts an insult) and most treat me with respect, taking my experience and age into account. Nobody except you. You are the only one, a bad boy with a sword in hand, fighting with me. Maybe you want to raise your rating by doing that. Don't get your hopes up. By criticising and insulting everyone and everything, you'll only turn people against yourself. That's not courage or bravery, because you sit on the Internet and are protected from everyone. If this were a face-to-face conversation, you would have been beaten up by someone a long time ago. And your brains would be in place.

See, you're still angry, which means you're vindictive. And maybe that's it? I don't want to blame it on you, but the fact that you and I didn't work out in the first place is a fact, I don't know why. But the fact that you are stubborn is also a fact, and me too, that's why the two icebergs collided) and on the forum most of the soft-hearted, as in life, they are not willing to defend, they do not care. I do not. And I'm brave not because I am in the Internet, I am everywhere so stubbornly go all the way and do not break me, even two times my weight will be heavier, if he has the nerve, come and break in. I can't allow myself to be insulted, that's all. And that's just the way I am, so I just advise you to take it into account)


There is a very simple rule of communication: if you disagree, criticise the person's action, not the person.

That is, saying, "Sir, you are a fool" is wrong, but "You are doing the wrong thing" is right.

That's all there is to it.

Aleksei Stepanenko:


There is a very simple rule of communication: if you disagree, criticise the person's action, not the person.

That is, saying, "Sir, you are a fool" is wrong, but "You are doing the wrong thing" is right.

That's all there is to it.

Absolutely agree, I usually stick to the end so as not to get personal. But sometimes the first person to try and jab the other person and like a match ignites a big fire.
Лекарь Центозависимых:
See, you're still angry, which means you're vindictive. And maybe that's it? I don't want to put it all on you, but the fact that you and I did not get along is a fact, I don't know why. But the fact that you are stubborn is also a fact, and me too, that's why the two icebergs collided) and on the forum most of the soft-hearted, as in life, they are not willing to defend, they do not care. I do not. And I'm brave not because I am in the Internet, I am everywhere so stubbornly go all the way and do not break me, even two times my weight will be heavier, if he has the nerve, come and break in. I can't allow myself to be insulted, that's all. And that's just the way I am, so I just advise you to take it into account)

If you're so militant, why don't you enlist as a volunteer and go and fight? You might get some kind of reward, but here you won't get any rewards, only cold showers and general contempt.

I'm not angry, I'm as calm as a Japanese garden of rocks.)

You can't do it to yourself, but you can do it to others, and you'll be the first to do it.

I am not vindictive, I am quite good-natured if I am not insulted. The vindictive don't live long, but I'll be 78 soon and God willing, I'll live some more).


If you're so militant, why don't you enlist as a volunteer and go and fight? You might get some kind of reward, but here you won't get any rewards, only cold showers and general contempt.

I'm not angry, I'm as calm as a Japanese garden of rocks.)

You can't do that to yourself, but you'd love to do it to others, and you'd be the first.

Stubborn old man, can everybody see that now? I think I have shown more patience for you now than anyone else would have done. I have been as patient with you as anybody else could be. And now everybody can see what a poop you are, get away from me, I was absolutely right, you're not so good yet, for your pride is sky high, you'll die like that. Calm as a corpse.

SELF! - NOT taken out of context - but a percentage of 29 from APR - went over the top... here if going for a trawl + 60 pips - would have gone into another flip... so - take + 1% of stop and flip... (although this is the first entry in the series - not the 4th fifth - where the trawl... but nevertheless it is also possible on the 4th, 5th flip...)

Лекарь Центозависимых:
Stubborn grandfather, now can everyone see? Fuck you, you fart with your shower, you don't want peace, get out, I'm not going to lie to you, am I? I have been as patient with you as anybody else could be. And now everybody can see what a pooch you are, get off my back, I was absolutely right, it's not what you should be, because your pride is so high, you'll die like that.

Yeah, I don't like it. I'm happy with it. ))) Now that you've been in the shoes of those you insult, maybe you'll be more circumspect and think before you insult others. That's the end of the argument with you.