learn how to earn money villagers [Episode 2] ! - page 222


In the tester, all the masters) would be in the data test to rejoice, and it is not clear whether to cry or how, besides what good - from cents, for such years, with snot martin-which the tester does not see, at least one real time show (yes the good of this stuff), and then say-all works and the real and the demo, If you ask me if I'm mistaken, the only way to get rid of them is to check the real time clock... If I'm mistaken, the only way to get rid of them is to check the real time clock... If I'm mistaken, the only logical reason to get rid of them is to check the real time clock and then I don't have to buy them... If I'm mistaken, the only logical reason to get rid of them is to check the real time clock... for example there's ticks and shit https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/1031/page18 and silence there) that's nothing, there are so many rocks that you just can't imagine, and everyone still sits and drills in pseudo testers, they don't get a fucking clue)

and in life, forever fix all sorts of bugs, ostensibly now everything is working properly, but no, it's still an eternal cycle-created on purpose (and then fix what is just not needed-even if the tester is not made in reality) can not already have enough time and do everything right, but they want) just think about what nonsense all feed)

Well, not everything is so sad, all the software is kept on the level-plank, monkeys, well monkey brokers and others are not afraid of it)


In the tester, all the masters) would be in the data test to rejoice, and it is not clear whether to cry or how, besides what good - from cents, for such years, with snot martin-which the tester does not see, at least one real time showed (the good of this little thing), and then you say everything works and the real and demo, If you ask me if I'm mistaken, the only way to get rid of them is to check the real time clock... If I'm mistaken, the only way to get rid of them is to check the real time clock... If I'm mistaken, the only logical reason to get rid of them is to check the real time clock and then I don't have to ask for abortions..... for example there's ticks and shit https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/1031/page18 and silence there) that's nothing, there are so many rocks that you just can't imagine, and everyone still sits and drills in pseudo testers, they don't get a fucking clue)

and in life, forever fix all sorts of bugs, ostensibly now everything is working properly, but no, it's still an eternal cycle-created on purpose (and then fix what is just not needed-even if the tester is not made in reality) can not already have enough time and do everything right, but they want) just think about what nonsense all feed)

Well, not everything is so sad, all the software is kept at the level-plank, the monkey, well the monkey does not scare the broker and the like)

If you're not aware of it, I'll tell you, for many algotraders it's important for an EA to pass 2008 ... I don't know why, I don't really care about the tester, I'm writing EAs for real trading and doing tests on demo accounts, the tester is used only for detection of bugs in the code .... If you want to trade with a real account you can follow this link below. You can also find one of the first real accounts there .... I don't monitor real accounts, I don't show reports and information about them either, it makes me feel safer that way ....


Probably algo traders are drunk and waiting for a repeat of 2008, like you have to be ready for anything).

I see, it is better not to show anything as they may put an evil eye or something, and then you think, I have been doing it more than once and when I showed something, I just arrive.

Thanks for the monitoring.


Probably algo traders are drunk and waiting for a repeat of 2008, like you have to be ready for anything).

I see, it is better not to show anything as they may put an evil eye or something, and then you think, I have been doing it more than once and when I showed something, I just arrive.

Thanks for the monitoring.

A long known pagan truth. If you brag about something, everything goes wrong)))) Don't go to the shaman...)))) And Murphy's Laws have never been repealed)))

Probably algo traders are drunk and waiting for a repeat of 2008, like you have to be ready for anything).

I see, it is better not to show anything as they may put an evil eye or something, and then you think, I have been doing it more than once and as soon as I show something, I come back.

Thanks for the monitoring.

A long known pagan truth. If you brag about something, everything goes wrong)))) Don't go to the shaman...)))) And Murphy's Laws have never been repealed)))

A long known pagan truth. If you brag about something, everything goes wrong)))) Don't go to the shaman...)))) And Murphy's Laws have never been repealed)))

it's 100% verified and it's so .....

That's why I'm not showing everything .....))))))))))))


it is 100% checked and it is so .....

That's why I'm not showing everything .....))))))))))))

Statements like this equate to showing everything. So expect things to go wrong again. ))

That's right! Don't crap on the branch.

If there's nothing to write, you don't have to write "ah"...

That's why we're fellow villagers! :-)

Codes, optimization of exp settings, reports, all of it should be posted... by the Rural Brothers' community for review, further selection of parameters and editing of expo codes, including trade criteria variants!


A long known pagan truth. If you brag about something, everything goes wrong)))) Don't go to the shaman...)))) Yes and Murphy's Laws have never been repealed)))


it's 100% verified and it's so .....

That's why I don't show everything .....))))))))))))

I'm a loser) all ni ni now)


Probably the algo traders are drunk and waiting for a repeat of 2008, like you have to be ready for anything).

I see, it is really better not to show anything as they may put an evil eye or something, and then you think, I've been doing it more than once - I'm driving fine and when I show something, it just comes

I get there) and then you think, is it your fault, or blame someone.

Thanks for the monitoring.

I don't think that it is your fault, I don't know what to do with it. The deal is so delicate, intimate and is not discussed with anyone, imagine you are having sex with a girl and are advising in what position and how I would do it, and when you have already done your job you tell your friends over a beer how I did it.