Suggest a topic for research - page 8


No school will teach you how to do that. Since it is not given, it never will be.

School can only further develop the taste for thinking - but only if this ability has already been developed from the outset.

Yes, indeed, not everyone has the ability to think. But the education system itself is built in such a way that people with the ability to think often lose that ability when they go through it, or become formatted to the standard dogmas and postulates of "right thinking". Personally, I remember learning in school by memorising endless theorems in geometry and algebraic formulas for converting one expression into another. But obviously, learning to develop a person's ability to think should always start with the same simple question: "What do you think?". I do not remember a single teacher in my life (both at school and at the institute) who started with this question. On the contrary, it always started with the same thing: "It is so, because it is so, and if you don't agree with it, you get an 'F' in the magazine". So we were frantically learning these theorems and formulas, agreeing to anything, as long as we didn't get an F grade and were not expelled from the institute. The question "What do you think?" has great potential to develop thinking. If you decide to answer it, you immediately begin to think when your solution is ready and voiced - it is still very weak, stupid and imperfect, you have just begun your thought process. A wise teacher, without difficulty, will point out the unworkability of your solution, and immediately your brain will rebel: "How come? Did the solution you found lead me to a dead end!?" - the brain is a complex thing, it does not tolerate dead ends, the puzzle must be put together. Then the mind will try to find a new solution or correct the old one. And here it is more likely to fail. After that, the man will understand that he is lacking certain thoughts and knowledge, certain methods and approaches. He will run to the library and look for missing links in the solution he is building. That's it, the thinking process is started. Its result can be the same proven theorem or algebraic reduction, but the difference will be huge - a man will understand its essence, this theorem will be the result of his own thinking, rather than dogmas imposed on him from outside.

Yes, indeed not everyone has the ability to think. But the educational system itself is constructed in such a way that people capable of thinking often lose that ability while passing through it, or become formatted according to standard dogmas and postulates of "correct thoughts". Personally, I remember learning in school by memorising endless theorems in geometry and algebraic formulas for converting one expression into another. But obviously, learning to develop a person's ability to think should always start with the same simple question: "What do you think?". I do not remember a single teacher in my life (both at school and at the institute) who started with this question. On the contrary, it always started with the same thing: "It is so, because it is so, and if you don't agree with it, you get an 'F' in the magazine". So we were frantically learning these theorems and formulas, agreeing to anything, as long as we didn't get an F grade and were not expelled from the institute. The question "What do you think?" has great potential to develop thinking. If you decide to answer it, you immediately begin to think, when your solution is ready and voiced - it is still very weak, stupid and imperfect, you have just begun your thought process. A wise teacher, without difficulty, will point out the unworkability of your solution, and immediately your brain will rebel: "How come? Did the solution you found lead me to a dead end!?" - the brain is a complex thing, it does not tolerate dead ends, the puzzle must be put together. Then the mind will try to find a new solution or correct the old one. And here it is more likely to fail. After that, the man will understand that he is lacking certain thoughts and knowledge, certain methods and approaches. He will run to the library and look for missing links in the solution he is building. That's it, the thinking process is started. Its result can be the same proven theorem or algebraic reduction, but the difference will be huge - a man will understand its essence, this theorem will be the result of his own thinking, rather than dogmas imposed on him from outside.

An ode to ignorance and laziness, covered by demagogy about the importance of one's own thinking. Just some kind of Montessori. Karaul. So excuse me.



Before you can write a novel based on flight of thought and imagination as an act of creativity, you have to study the letters, which is dumb work.

Before you create an extraordinary mathematical theory, you have to see how theories have been created before, to practise on someone else's

In any business, whether a turner, a baker or a mathematician, there is a minimum of knowledge and skills that you just need to know and be able to do without any flight of fancy.

So the sequence is as follows:

- what was given at birth: if granite, then paving; if diamond, then maybe you can cut and shine.

- Further, the development of attention, assiduity, efficiency and commonplace health to work 20 hours a day - all this is developed by 90% by the age of 5.

further - blunt mastering of basic knowledge and acquisition of skills to this knowledge and bringing them to automatism.

-Then the application and development of this knowledge, which is possible in two directions:

engineering - creative application of existing knowledge

scientific - development of existing knowledge (PhD) and gaining new knowledge (PhD).

The moment of luck is extremely important. There are a lot of people with a divine spark, education, but they have not succeeded in realization - there were no conditions.

A departure from this road is terribly rare (group theory, for example).

Proof too, please: Paganini, Mozart - exceptionally creative people. Became geniuses from under a stick.



Sorry again, my dear C-4, but the truth is dearer.

Stop putting up with it.
Dear admin delete the topic.

An ode to ignorance and laziness, covered by demagogy about the importance of one's own thinking. Just some kind of Montessori. Karaul. So excuse me.

Before you write a novel ...................

Sorry again, my esteemed C-4, but the truth comes first.

This is how one's own thinking makes one seek and study these fundamentals. One does not contradict the other. It is too one-sided.
They are constantly being asked. Go to a good school (grammar school, lyceum). Times have changed.
Stop putting up with this.

You seem to be overpowered!!!

Wouldn't it be a pain in the ass to row a topic?

Are you armed with a shovel?



orb 16.05.2012 20:26

- Am I having deja vu?

- Mm-hmm)

Here's a big"Oogu" for you - eat it with a bun.


Once again, I am sorry, my dear C-4, but the truth comes first.

Your reasoning about training principles reminds me of the process of training a monkey. Then such monkeys start to trade on Forex, and then they get a good and well-deserved beating.

We have fundamentally different views on life and the market, so there is no need to apologize. Everyone has their own truth.




Not out loud, but by analysis. It's like the parts carry the whole.

And the ending is separate.

There are enough Triangulars on the net, imho.