What do the pros have to say: How to get mouse scroll values in MQL? [repost from the fifth forum]. - page 4


Isn't that the stuff they made? )



(Isn't this the crap you made? )


Scroll is not used there.

They can't use their own indicators. Only MK_ indicators... .

This library has a function that returns all information about the pixel where the mouse cursor is located. It can be used to do things like the MK. You can even work in multiple subwindows without separating them, if you think about it a bit... :-))


2sanyooooook No, not that stuff :)

2 Zhunko Vadim, I don't deny the usefulness of your library, but in M.K. and in my other developments I get along fine without it. And I use VINAPI to take all information about a pixel.

By the way, I don't understand your pickup about indicators - yes, there are indicators there, but there is no other way to read their data, it's very easy to add them into the system and I'm preparing other descriptions right now. I don't know how to do it, but if you'd said yes to some of my questions half a year ago (or more), things might have been different.

ZS. And yes, M.K. is absolutely free of charge, unlike your library ;)


In this library

epic phrase :)

you can soon have a thread about a new forum meme in lurkmorje.


2sanyooooook No, not that stuff :)

2 Zhunko Vadim, I don't deny the usefulness of your library, but in M.K. and in my other developments I get along fine without it. And I use VINAPI to take all information about a pixel.

By the way, I don't understand your pickup about indicators - yes, there are indicators there, but there is no other way to read their data, it's very easy to add them into the system and I'm preparing other descriptions right now. I don't know how to do it, but if you'd said yes to some of my questions half a year ago (or more), things might have been different.

ZS. And yes, M.K. is absolutely free of charge, unlike your library ;)

I don't understand about the backlash and the unanswered questions. What kind of questions? My library is free.

I also don't understand your thesis about indicators, and I don't understand the message about using the library either.

I also don't understand your thesis about the use of biblicals, but I asked you if it is possible to read data from "data window" in order to determine what shows one or another buffer from the charted indicators, which allows to take data from them, but it got silent and I had to do it my way. I am sincerely thankful to you for that, for difficulties on the way lead to non-standard solutions :)


The indicators should be anything. Think of a way.

The library allows you not to use WinAPI functions. Just one call of one function from the library replaces a complex structure in MQL4 made of WinAPI functions. This is convenient and reliable.

I told you that you can read data fromthe"data window". You replied that you didn't need it urgently. Then you completely disappeared. Even though I did a lot for you. It all went unclaimed.


The library gives you the option of not using WinAPI functions.

...At the expense of a self-written dll. Fuck that convenience, pardon my English. Plus there's also a separation between "registered" and "unregistered".


...At the expense of a self-written dll. Fuck this convenience, pardon my English. Plus there's the division between "registered" and "unregistered".

What are non-self writing DLLs? Are there automata for writing DLLs? I must be way behind on automatic programming?

It's simple with registered ones. Someone asks to write a function for money. I insert it into this library with a lock for everyone else except the customer. I do not think it is ethical to give free access to the work paid for by a particular customer.