Humour - page 348


Who does it remind you of?

Competitive work by geneticists from Skolkovo

a time for business and an hour for pleasure


Strange has a contract with Loreal? I wondered where he went.

The Volgodonsk prosecutor's office (Rostov Region) opened a criminal case against the organizers of the "Who Drinks More Vodka" contest, one of the participants of which died and five others ended up in intensive care. The owners of Savely shop, who organized the contest, are accused of causing death by negligence (Article 109 of the RF Criminal Code) and violation of the law "On Advertising", which prohibits actions agitating for drinking alcohol.

The conditions of the contest were very simple: using half-litre mugs to drink as much vodka as possible in the allotted time. The participants scooped the vodka directly from zinc buckets and snacked on black bread and sausage. In the absence of reliable information about previously held records, witnesses reported that, while waiting for the start, most of the arguments were about whether anyone would cross the five-litre barrier.

That's funny... :-)

Struggling with lots:

"I have only a 15% drawdown on EURGBP with 8 orders so far. That is why I am not straining too much at the moment. I am trying to keep the ratio of 0.1 lot per 7500 of currency. Today the ratio is generally 0.1 lot for 8500 (it's been a while since I withdrew profit). In this case lots are better to put on my opinion in the pair EURUSD to sell. I put myself from 1.2860, yesterday though my order closed at trailing stop and I have not logged in yet.

I have not entered it again :

Is it possible to close MT4 for some time and wait for a big drawdown (more than the deposit can bear), and then re-open MT4, when everything is even?".


That's funny... :-)


Sergey writes:

Is it possible to close MT4 for a while and wait out a severe drawdown (more than the depo can handle) and then turn MT4 back on when things level off?"

The main thing is to cut off the circuit breaker in the house, or better still, to arrange a short circuit in the district substation. Otherwise, it's a disaster...
The main thing is to cut the breaker in the house or, better yet, to arrange a short circuit in the district substation. Otherwise, that's the end of the line...

The main thing is to choose the right area, where the server room is)))

But those devils must have backups and there must be an off-line power supply as well.

The main thing is to cut off the circuit breaker in the house, or better still, to arrange a short circuit in the district substation. Otherwise, it's a disaster...

That's not the way it works. The only way to escape is to blow up the DC).

it's just a joke


In 1997 I paid for a tanker to be loaded on the Baltic. One day later, the main payment, but the bank got the recipient bank's SWIFT mixed up (the names are very similar and about two hundred metres apart).

We spent half the night discussing with the customer the expediency of calling the Copenhagen police about a booby-trapped pier :)

In the morning, everything was resolved peacefully - the bank repeated the payment using the correct details, and then dealt with the return of the erroneous payment itself.