Looking for a good MQL4 programmer. There are two strategies, I need to make them automatic. - page 7

Easy: When a signal is repeated to open a previously open position, its closing rules are changed to those corresponding to the new signal.
What if the position was not opened? If I missed it on purpose?
What if the position was not open? If I missed it on purpose?

Still change to the rules for closing a position that is not open:)

Still change to the rules for closing an unopened position :)
Eh, everything changes in this forex....., and also not according to linear laws....(at least within the first derivative) ) econometricians-smoke! (don't mind the post... I'm a bit crazy today)
Eh, everything changes on this forex....., and also not according to linear laws.... ) Economists, smoke! (don't mind the post... I'm a bit crazy today)

Well, Alexei's already declared a virtual stupor :)

Well, Alexei's already declared a virtual thirst quenching party :)
)) All the people on this forum are scattered today... It's mostly men. But the women's forums today are unusually active.)
I need to check on my girls too :)
I need to check on my girls too :)
No. You see, everyone's asleep.
No. You see, everyone's asleep.
You have a harem?
Naturally :)