Technical analysis. Truth or fiction? - page 13

Here it was about MACD overshooting -
It is too late to learn how to earn money after forty, Boris, the rest is fine.

Are you burying me already, Andrei, or are you using this ruse to inquire about my age?

I do not learn to earn, but to program, and I always enjoy learning, not always to work, as sometimes there is no choice.

It's too late to learn how to make money after forty, Boris, the rest is fine.

If dementia hasn't set in yet, it's never too late to learn).

Are you burying me already, Andrei, or are you using this ruse to inquire about my age?

I am learning to program, not to make money, and I always enjoy learning, not always to work, as sometimes there is no choice.

Neither is the other.

There's an opinion that if you don't learn how to earn money before you reach forty, you can stop trying.

I personally partly agree, because by the age of forty the outlook is finally formed and to change something in your life is already ...



There is an opinion that if you haven't learned how to earn money before you are forty, you can stop trying.

I personally partly agree, because by the age of forty your world view has been formed and you can't change anything in your life anymore.

Since it's not specifically about forex, but in a general sense, I agree. I mean, before he's 40 and earning 10-20-30k, he's just not ready to work hard and he can't understand that he can earn much more. And the most paradoxical thing is that they are doing about the same thing as they would do in a job for which they are paid a penny.

It is like Shura Balaganov, to whom 5600 roubles are enough for happiness. Regretfully tearing himself away from his bread and sausage. He doesn't need white wine and biscuits, he needs enough beer and sandwiches))



There is an opinion that if you haven't learned how to earn money before you are forty, you can stop trying.

I personally partly agree, because by the time you reach forty your mindset has been formed and you can change anything in your life...

Indeed, not this and not that, and in general, not this, not that... It is arguable that everyone has something formed at some point!
Since it's not specifically about forex, but in a general sense, I agree. Getting up to 40 years old at 10-20-30k.r., a person is just not ready to earn a lot, in his mind does not settle that you can have much more. The paradoxical thing is that they can do the same thing as they do at work for which they are paid a penny.

It's like Shura Balaganov, who only needs 5,600 roubles to be happy. Regretfully tearing himself away from his bread and sausage. He doesn't need white wine and biscuits, he needs enough beer and sandwiches).

There, there... That's pretty much what I meant.

Indeed, not this and not that, but overall, not this and not that.... It is arguable that everyone is shaped at some point!
Undoubtedly, everyone has a different age atwhich the brain bones... Someone at 30 no longer wants to change anything, and someone in the other world already write absences, and he still creates something there, invents and tries. But (I repeat) there is an opinion that in most cases it is 40.
Here it was about MACD overshooting -

There is an interesting phrase at the end which could be applied to any technical indicator:

"The authors' recommendation is to use this indicator together with a confirmation signal (or several) from

of another indicator".

And better yet, include the analytical department of the brain and a good news channel as confirmatory signals)

Personally, my opinion is that this is fiction!!! Because we will always find an excuse on the charts if our initial prediction does not come true. What is your opinion???

Don't forget that you are on a programmers' website.

By the way, be sure to include pastry chefs and hairdressers too? It will be funnier.)))

If you really care about the question, it would be more correct to turn to professional traders.


There is an interesting phrase at the end that can be applied to any technical indicator:

"Authors' recommendation - use this indicator together with a confirmation signal (or several) from

another indicator."

Imho: the phrase is complete nonsense and anti-advertisement.

I don't remember if it's "The hump can fix the hump" or "The sick man can't help the healthy man"

or "No help for the sick, no harm for the healthy."

Something like that.

ps: But there are also sunspots, and there are always exceptions to the rules. But that's a whole other opera and other good reasons.