[ARCHIVE!] Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Can't go anywhere without you - 4. - page 552

Oh, thank you!!!!!

Help with the code. The task is simple. I just need to open and write a file, but not in the terminal directory, but in the one I specify myself.

I can just open and write the file:

int FF;                     //Представляем переменную
int PP=10;                  //Представляем переменную
int start(){
   FF=FileOpen("DATA.csv",FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE,';');    // Открываем файл для записи
      if(FF==-1){Alert("Ошибка = ",GetLastError());}   // В случае ошибки, сообщение
      else if(FF!=-1){                                 // Если все верно
         FileWrite(FF,PP);                             // Записываем значение "PP"
         Alert("Число записано = ",PP);                // Сообщение о записанном числе
         FileClose(FF);}}                              // Закрываем файл

I tried to look through libraries, which are"ZI_File_Functions_Full_Lib" -https://www.mql5.com/ru/code/8577 . But I didn't find any information on how to work with them correctly and I cannot figure it out on my own. There are too many functions!

Please help me, maybe someone has a simpler solution, how to open the file in any folder specified by the user and record a value there. That's all, nothing else is needed. Or help me to reduce this library or advise how to implement this task, all other functions can be removed. I'm trying it myself, no errors, EA is silent, no result.

Thanks in advance for the advices!


Help with the code. The task is simple. I just need to open and write a file, but not in the terminal directory, but in the one I specify myself.

I can just open and write the file:

I tried to look through libraries, which are"ZI_File_Functions_Full_Lib" -https://www.mql5.com/ru/code/8577 . But I didn't find any information on how to work with them correctly and I cannot figure it out on my own. There are too many functions!

Please help me, maybe someone has a simpler solution, how to open the file in any folder specified by the user and record a value there. That's all, nothing else is needed. Or help me to reduce this library or advise how to implement this task, all other functions can be removed. I'm trying it myself, no errors, EA is silent, no result.

Thanks in advance for the tips!

Is it too weak to repeat your code using functions from that library?

Here is another library. It works with directories. I think you can use it. There are examples of how to use it.



MathRound(rounding) for example from 2.4566890 to 2.0000000

but how do you visually remove those zeros?


Help with the following problem - I need to normalise the price chart of any currency pair of my choice. I need it for an indicator. I tried to divide the current value by the previous one - I get some kind of oscillator around 1. I have come up with an idea that I should convert the chart from absolute to relative values, i.e. in this case I will be able to see the percentage change of quote. It has been implemented. It is already better and practically what we need. However, my ultimate desire is to normalize quotes in the range [0:1] . I cannot figure out how to do this last step.

this is what i need but in bourgeois - i need the same in russian:http://people.revoledu.com/kardi/tutorial/Similarity/Normalization.html

thanks in advance.



MathRound (rounding) for example from 2.4566890 to 2.0000000

but how do you visually remove those zeros?

DoubleToStr(number, 0)

DoubleToStr(number, 0)

god grant you become a super hacker, a cool girl and lots of dough, thank you very much, very helpful

Please advise!

It is possible to print a single sheet, but how can I set it to start printing sheets from a certain date to a certain date? So that one sheet at a time is not printed.

Thank you!


People, what software can you use to make manuals like this? So that the right places are highlighted? Can SnagIT do it?


Or is it something to do with flash?


Questions for the pros from the dummies:

1. when performing any operations with normalized variables of double type, they behave like variables of int type (the result is a normalized number ), or

the result should be normalized?

2. In the help, it is written: "Two non-normalized floating-point numbers cannot be linked using the == or != operations". Can I compare a normalized and a non-normalized

number? Can the operations >= and <= be used?