[ARCHIVE!] Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Can't go anywhere without you - 4. - page 420

If that gibberish above is being written by newbies!!!, then I must be a trader's embryo. Asked a simple question and totally ignored it. I am probably not worthy to be here. I'm not worthy of it. Maybe somebody will pay attention. I'll ask again, I downloaded and put up a Forex Cieaner Expert Advisor for EURUSD, I traded on a 30 min interval, but I don't see any trades. I put Ilan 1.6 on GBRUSD before that, everything is normal there. What I have not done? ANYBODY OUT THERE, PLEASE TELL ME!!!

ilunga I need more help. Something is wrong. Only prints the new time, but there is no new ZigZag.

2012.10.08 12:23:49 2012.09.14 05:12 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime1000001 2012.09.14 05:11
2012.10.08 12:23:49 2012.09.14 05:11 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime1000001 2012.09.14 05:10
2012.10.08 12:23:49 2012.09.14 05:10 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime100005 2012.09.14 05:05
2012.10.08 12:23:49 2012.09.14 05:10 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime1000001 2012.09.14 05:09
2012.10.08 12:23:48 2012.09.14 05:09 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime1000001 2012.09.14 05:08
2012.10.08 12:23:4814 05:08 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime1000001 2012.09.14 05:07
2012.10.08 12:23:48 2012.09.14 05:07 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime1000001 2012.09.14 05:06
2012.10.08 12:23:48 2012.09.14 05:06 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime100005 2012.09.14 05:00
2012.10.08 2012 12:23:48 2012.09.14 05:06 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime1000001 2012.09.14 05:03
2012.10.08 12:23:48 2012.09.14 05:03 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime1000001 2012.09.14 05:02
2012.10.08 12:23:48 2012.09.14 05:02 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime1000001 2012.09.14 05:01
2012.10.08 12:23:48 2012.09.14 05:01 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime1000001 2012.09.14 05:00
2012.10.08 12:23:48 2012.09.14 05:00 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime1000060 2012.09.14 04:00
2012.10.08 12:23:48 2012.09.14 05:00 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime1000030 2012.09.14 04:30
2012.10.08 12:23:48 2012.09.14 05:00 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime1000015 2012.09.14 04:45
2012.10.08 12:23:48 2012.09.14 05:00 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime1000005 2012.09.14 04:55
2012.10.08 12:23:4814 05:00 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime1000001 2012.09.14 04:59
2012.10.08 12:23:48 2012.09.14 04:59 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime1000001 2012.09.14 04:58
2012.10.08 12:23:48 2012.09.14 04:58 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime1000001 2012.09.14 04:55
2012.10.08 2012 12:23:48 2012.09.14 04:55 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime1000005 2012.09.14 04:50
2012.10.08 12:23:48 2012.09.14 04:55 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime1000001 2012.09.14 04:54
2012.10.08 12:23:48 2012.09.14 04:54 MTF PRINT EURUSD,M1: newTime1000001 2012.09.14 04:53

Full code.

//Код непоместился. Слишком длинный. Он в прицепе.
mtfeprint.mq4  19 kb
If that gibberish above is being written by newbies!!!, then I must be a trader's embryo. Asked a simple question and totally ignored it. I am probably not worthy to be here. I'm not worthy of it. Maybe somebody will pay attention. I'll ask again, I downloaded and put up a Forex Cieaner Expert Advisor for EURUSD, I traded on a 30 min interval, but I don't see any trades. I put Ilan 1.6 on GBRUSD before that, everything is normal there. What I have not done? ANYBODY OUT THERE, PLEASE TELL ME!!!

Many people do not know such an adviser. They do not want to search for it and download it. There are more questions about the code.
If that gibberish above is being written by newbies!!!, then I must be the germ of a trader. Asked a simple question and totally ignored it. I am probably not worthy to be here. I'm not worthy of it. Maybe somebody will pay attention. I'll ask again, I downloaded and put up a Forex Cieaner Expert Advisor for EURUSD, I traded on a 30 min interval, but I don't see any trades. I put Ilan 1.6 on GBRUSD before that, everything is normal there. What I have not done? ANYBODY OUT THERE, PLEASE TELL ME!!!
The car is on the road, does not go. Guys, help me out, what's wrong with it? That's about the size of your EA question.
You don't get an answer because there are at least two dozen reasons of the most varied nature. Someone else's Expert Advisor on someone else's terminal from a trader with unknown qualifications.


I meant (two posts above) in the journal prints or fails to print.

Print("newZZ_240=",Curr_zz240) does not print;

Print("newTime",mn240, ",TimeToStr(CurrTime240)) prints;

It means that something is wrong with NewZigZag H4 . I don't understand how or what. It seems to be so, but there is no print.

I have done many different studies on ZZ. I have got different results on different TFs. Now I want to get everything together. I have a lot of calculations and if I do them by ticks or new bars, it will strongly load my computer. It is enough to process the data when a new ZZ extrema appears.

mtfqprint.mq4  19 kb
Thanks to gince and granit77 for the answers. They seem to suggest that a specialist should be called to the house... That's pretty much what I thought, but you can't explain it with your fingers.

A feature - a small inconsistency, which, however, does not interfere, and sometimes even provides undocumented opportunities, such as OrderClosePrice() - if you close an order with this parameter in the closing price, it will close, no need to bother with determining the price by order type.

Bug - bug in the program (incorrigible feature)

Servidec - a place where users write letters with detected bugs. It is located on the fifth forum in your profile (additional registration is required)

Grosse danke schoen))))

Good afternoon. My question is as follows. In the MQL4 book found at MQL4.community, in the "Standard Functions" section of the "String Functions and Data Conversion Functions" section, the following example of the strings.mq4 Expert Advisor is given (given in full from the book)

// strings.mq4
// Предназначен для использования в качестве примера в учебнике MQL4.
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 1 --
extern int Quant_Bars=100;             // Количество баров
datetime   Time_On;
string     Prefix    ="Paint_";
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 2 --
int init()                             // Спец. функция init()
   int Ind_Bar;                        // Индекс бара
   Time_On=Time [Quant_Bars];          // Время первого раскрашенного
   for(Ind_Bar=Quant_Bars-1; Ind_Bar>=0; Ind_Bar--)// Цикл по барам
      Create(Ind_Bar,1);               // Нарисуем тонкую линию
      Create(Ind_Bar,2);               // Нарисуем толстую линию
   WindowRedraw();                     // Перерисовка изображения 
   return;                             // Выход из init()
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 3 --
int start()                            // Спец. функция start
   datetime T1, T2;                    // 1 и 2 координаты времени
   int Error,Ind_Bar;                  // Код ошибки и индекс бара
   double P1, P2;                      // 1 и 2 координата цены
   color Col;                          // Цвет созданного объекта
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 4 --
   for(int Line=1; Line<=2; Line++)    // Цикл по видам линий
      string Nom_Lin =Line + "_";      // Строка с номером линии
      //    string Nom_Lin  = DoubleToStr(Line,0)+"_";// Можно и так
      for(Ind_Bar=0; ;Ind_Bar++)       // Цикл по барам
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 5 --
         datetime T_Bar= Time[Ind_Bar];// Время открытия бара
         if (T_Bar < Time_On) break;   // Заграничные не раскрашиваем
         string Str_Time=TimeToStr(T_Bar);       // Строка со временем
         string His_Name=Prefix+Nom_Lin+Str_Time;// Имя объекта
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 6 --
         T1=ObjectGet(His_Name,OBJPROP_TIME1);// Запрос коорд. t1
         Error=GetLastError();         // Получение кода ошибки
         if (Error==4202)              // Если объекта нет :(
            Create(Ind_Bar,Line);      // Вызов ф-ии создания объекта
            continue;                  // На следующую итерацию
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 7 --
         T2 =ObjectGet(His_Name,OBJPROP_TIME2); // Запрос коорд. t2
         P1 =ObjectGet(His_Name,OBJPROP_PRICE1);// Запрос коорд. p1
         P2 =ObjectGet(His_Name,OBJPROP_PRICE2);// Запрос коорд. p1
         Col=ObjectGet(His_Name,OBJPROP_COLOR); // Запрос цвета
         if(T1!=T_Bar || T2!=T_Bar || // Не те координаты или цвет:
            (Line==1 && (P1!=High[Ind_Bar] || P2!=  Low[Ind_Bar])) ||
            (Line==2 && (P1!=Open[Ind_Bar] || P2!=Close[Ind_Bar])) ||
            (Open[Ind_Bar] Close[Ind_Bar] && Col!=Red)  ||
            (Open[Ind_Bar]==Close[Ind_Bar] && Col!=Green)  )
            ObjectDelete(His_Name);    // Удаляем объект
            Create(Ind_Bar,Line);      // Создаём правильный объект
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 8 --
   WindowRedraw();                     // Перерисовка изображения 
   return;                             // Выход из start()
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 9 --
int deinit()                           // Спец. функция deinit()
   string Name_Del[1];                 // Объявление массива
   int Quant_Del=0;                    // Количество удаляемых объектов
   int Quant_Objects=ObjectsTotal();   // Cтолько всего ВСЕХ объектов
   ArrayResize(Name_Del,Quant_Objects);// Необходимый размер массива
   for(int k=0; k<=Quant_Del; i++)     // Удаляем объекты с именами,.. 
      ObjectDelete(Name_Del[i]);       // .. имеющимися в массиве
   return;                             // Выход из deinit()
//-------------------------------------------------------------- 10 --
int Create(int Ind_Bar, int Line)      // Пользовательская функция..
  {                                    // ..создания объекта
   color Color;                        // Цвет объекта
   datetime T_Bar=Time [Ind_Bar];      // Время открытия бара
   double   O_Bar=Open [Ind_Bar];      // Цена открытия бара
   double   C_Bar=Close[Ind_Bar];      // Цена закрытия бара
   double   H_Bar=High [Ind_Bar];      // Максимальная цена бара
   double   L_Bar=Low  [Ind_Bar];      // Минимальная цена бара
   string Nom_Lin =Line + "_";         // Строка - номер линии
   // string Nom_Lin  = DoubleToStr(Line,0)+"_";// Можно и так
   string Str_Time=TimeToStr(T_Bar);   // Строка - время откр.     
   string His_Name=Prefix+Nom_Lin+Str_Time;// Имя созаваемого объект
   if (O_Bar < C_Bar) Color=Blue;      // Выбор цвета в зависимости..
   if (O_Bar >C_Bar) Color=Red;        // .. от характеристик бара
   if (O_Bar ==C_Bar) Color=Green;
   switch(Line)                        // Тонкая или толстая линия
      case 1:                          // Тонкая линия
         break;                        // Выход из switch
      case 2:                          // Толстая линия
         ObjectSet(   His_Name, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 3);// Стиль     
   ObjectSet(    His_Name, OBJPROP_COLOR, Color); // Цвет
   ObjectSet(    His_Name, OBJPROP_RAY,   false); // Луч
   ObjectSetText(His_Name,"Объект создан экспертом",10);// Описание
   return;                             // Выход из польз. ф-ии
//-------------------------------------------------------------- 11 –

... continued...

At the end of subsection StringSubstr Function in brackets is the following phrase: "separately we must note that in the first for loop (my note: it must be deinit() as there is no other way to delete objects) we cannot delete objects since after every deletion the total number of objects and their numbering will change and some object names will be skipped". But in the cited EA there is no second for loop at all. Moreover, the variable Quant_Del defined in the function deinit() before the for loop is initialized with zero, while the variable i was not defined anywhere before the for loop.

   for(int k=0; k<=Quant_Del; i++)     // Удаляем объекты с именами,.. 
         ObjectDelete(Name_Del[i]);       // .. имеющимися в массиве

it turns out that the above expert just trivially omitted several program lines.

So the 1st question is as follows: Was it really a trivial omission of several lines or is it such a tricky program that a novice cannot grasp its meaning without outside help?

Further... In the same chapter of the same section, there is a link to the same Expert Advisor (in the attached file) before the cited text that, when clicked, opens the same Expert Advisor in MetaElitor. But the text of this Expert Advisor is different: the deinit() function looks like this

//--------------------------------------------------------------- 9 --
int deinit()                           // Спец. функция deinit()
   string Name_Del[1];                 // Объявление массива
   int Quant_Del=0;                    // Количество удаляемых объекто
   int Quant_Objects=ObjectsTotal();   // Cтолько всего ВСЕХ объектов
   ArrayResize(Name_Del,Quant_Objects);// Необходимый размер массива
   for(int k=0; k<Quant_Objects; k++)  // По количеству объектов 
      string Obj_Name=ObjectName(k);   // Запрашиваем имя объекта
      string Head=StringSubstr(Obj_Name,0,6);// Извлекаем первые 6 сим
      if (Head==Prefix)                // Найден объект, ..
        {                              // .. начинающийся с Paint_
         Quant_Del=Quant_Del+1;        // Колич имён к удалению
         Name_Del[Quant_Del-1]=Obj_Name;//Запоминаем имя удаляемого
   for(int i=0; i<=Quant_Del; i++)     // Удаляем объекты с именами,.. 
      ObjectDelete(Name_Del[i]);       // .. имеющимися в массиве
   return;                             // Выход из deinit()
//-------------------------------------------------------------- 10 --

Then, if "combine" the phrase "Separately, please note that you cannot delete objects in the first for loop, because in this case the total number of objects and their numbering will change after each deletion, and some object names will be skipped as a result" AND text deinit() function of the last variant, I have the 2nd question:

Question. Why cannot I delete objects in the first for loop by placing the ObjectDelete(Obj_Name) function inside the if statement...? Something like:

int deinit()                           // Спец. функция deinit()
   int Quant_Objects=ObjectsTotal();   // Cтолько всего ВСЕХ объектов
   for(int k=0; k<Quant_Objects; k++)  // По количеству объектов 
      string Obj_Name=ObjectName(k);   // Запрашиваем имя объекта
      string Head=StringSubstr(Obj_Name,0,6);// Извлекаем первые 6 сим
      if (Head==Prefix)                // Если найден объект, …
        {                              // ... начинающийся с Paint_,
         ObjectDelete(Obj_Name);       // … то его и удаляем
        }                              //конец if
     }                                 //конец for
   return;                             // Выход из deinit()
  }                                    //конец deinit
//-------------------------------------------------------------- 10 --

Why after each deletion "... The total number of objects will change"...? Because in this case, the Quant_Objects variable, which determines the total number of objects, gets its value equal to ObjectsTotal(), FORWARD the for loop?

P.S. Thanks in advance for the answer, in order not to litter the forum.

strings.mq4  7 kb

Guys, a little off topic, but still...

Is it possible to "friend" computers/laptops with 32 and 64 bit Win7 over the LAN ?
I have three laptops and a desktop (all at home) on two laptops Win7(64-bit) and they are not seen at all on the network 32-bit Win7 Ultimate desktop. And from it I would like to manage the whole crowd...

Any options?