FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 13: March 2012) - page 239

And I'm still holding the bai)))) and at 1.3130 the limiter)))

As a psychiatrist, I'll tell you, you have a problem.

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Thank you

the euras went down and you all went to the forum))))

everyone's been sitting tight)))


As a psychiatrist, I'll tell you, you have a problem.
And who doesn't have them)))) we are all a bit if the market here)))
Vakhrameyev married Kondratieva, but he didn't get any better.

More news to come. Another circus to come ))))

Vahrameev, though married to Kondratieva, never got any better.

Definitely Ecclesiastes 1:9: "What was, is, and what was done, is, and what is to be done, and there is nothing new under the sun".
Vakhrameev, though married to Kondratieva, was not a kind man.
He made a pile in the corner and every day he put there...