FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 13: March 2012) - page 167

Good luck and profits to all!
the fall is not over. You want to see parity, you will.
Can I have a screenshot, if it's not too difficult?

hey guys! what's on anyone's mind? am i seeing another drop today? maybe it's become a habit with me!? or are we yanking up today?


hey guys! what's on anyone's mind? am i seeing another drop today? maybe it's become a habit with me!? or are we yanking up today?

I'm still open.
I'm down for the time being.

the only forum member who got up at 9am! ))

Thank you!


the only forum member who got up at 9am! ))

Thank you!

I'm up at 11:00 a.m.))
i got 11)))

Oh, shit!

ruined the statistics! :)))


Oh, shit!

ruined the statistics! :)))

and I have 7am ))))

it's 7 a.m. )))

Well! 11 - 7 = 9! ))

i wonder where that is?


Oh, shit!

ruined the statistics! :)))

statistics are not air)))))) corrected mona))))