FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 13: March 2012) - page 164

A sharp top confirms the reversal.
Sharp top confirms the reversal.

think it's time to short?
Hello, (I make a forecast for a week) I trade slowly.

How is PAMM doing? I'm thinking about investing. I'm thinking about investing a couple of grand.

A sharp top confirms the reversal.
Stranger drew a reversal at 1.30 three weeks ago! (The top could be anything )
I see - they've invented their own limitations.

))) yes, there are limitations - physical ones, I don't know how to predict for weeks)) I trade from session to session, there's Europe, americans and so on...

How is PAMM doing? I'm thinking about investing. A couple of grand to invest...

I'm in a slump! Let's do it later! (gold! - got into gold!)
Stranger drew a reversal at 1.30 three weeks ago! (The top could be anything)
Fuck that. You mentioned Stranger in vain. I don't know how you put smiley faces, but with the censer, it's perfect.

)))) yes, there are limitations - physical, I don't know how to predict for weeks)) I trade from session to session, there's Europe, americans all kinds of things...
When do you close your deals at night?
in a slump for now! let's do it later! (gold! - got into gold!)
Gold. Here is my owl on gold. Let's put it on your PAMM and go gather the money?
Fuck that. You mentioned Stranger in vain. I don't know how you put the emoticons in, but with the censer, it's perfect.
and the fall is over for nothing!