FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 13: March 2012) - page 157


Either now or some time soon, the EUR and USD indices have hit the channel wall. Judging by the dynamics the euro will crawl up the channel edge for a while and then down again.

But it might also get a wolf, I will watch in the morning. let it decide where to go next...

International rating agency Fitch upgrades Greece's long-term sovereign credit rating from RD to B-, outlook "stable" 13.03.2012 21:18
International rating agency Fitch has upgraded Greece's long-term sovereign credit rating from RD to B-, outlook "stable" 13.03.2012 21:18
This is the day before yesterday's news...

Either now or some time soon, the EUR and USD indices have hit the channel wall. Judging by the dynamics, the euro will crawl along the edge of the channel up for a while and then down again.

But it could also get a wolf, I'll watch in the morning. let it decide where to go next...

Hi, on the whole there is no fundamental reason for the euro to fall:

On 11 March, during his election speech in the Paris suburb of Villepinte, Nicolas Sarkozy said that if Schengen borders were not properly controlled, that France's membership would be suspended.

The French leader demanded security reforms at the zone's external borders, including the introduction of fines for those countries that fail to comply with the agreement's obligations.

"We must introduce joint discipline in the Schengen area, similar to that existing in the eurozone," he said.

Experts note that Sarkozy is not raising the issue of illegal immigration in the EU for nothing; in this way he is counting on the support of voters who are sympathetic to the right.

Socialist candidate Francois Hollande is currently leading the French presidential race. The election is due to take place on 6 May.


Eurozone out of crisis

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble and his French counterpart François Baroin said Tuesday at a conference on the euro crisis that the eurozone has passed the worst of the crisis but reforms must continue.

"We can say that the worst is behind us, but we must not relax our efforts," the German minister said, adding that he was not worried about the ECB's tight monetary policy.

Baruen echoed his words: "The crisis is behind us. And if we don't deviate from our chosen course, we can say that indeed the worst is behind us".

The US Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) decided on 13 March to keep the key parameters of monetary policy unchanged, in particular the discount rate and the volume of Treasury bonds to be bought back from the market. However, the option of further quantitative easing (QE) was not ruled out. Analysts were not slow to comment on this information.

Wells Fargo: Stimulus would only be needed if the US economy weakened. However, the Fed did reserve the right for new QE.

International Strategy and Investment Group: At the next FOMC meetings in April and June the Fed will have a chance to change strategy, if politicians feel the need for a new economic stimulus.

Nomura: In the next 6 months, a $500 billion operation consisting of purchases of mortgage-backed securities and government bonds is expected. The asset purchases will be "sterilised" through reverse repos and term loans to appease hawks fearful of higher inflation.


If we manage to consolidate above 1.3050, we turn around.

Fail to do so, go down.


If we manage to consolidate above 1.3050, we turn around.

Fail to do so, go down.

i don't think doll will let it go down. it's like a matter of honour. )))))

I don't think Doll will let it go down. kind of a matter of honour . )))))
he's not familiar with the word)))

I don't think Doll will let it go down. kind of a matter of honour . )))))

Actually, the most important thing for him is to fuck us over.