FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 13: March 2012) - page 156


Don't be so self-critical, respect yourself!
Especially bulls are hard to fight, of course)))) . And why fight with anyone, I do not understand? I expressed my imho, justified it, and it's up to everyone to accept your imho or not. Surely you see that half of this thread is a brawl because of you and have not thought about why? I'll tell you why. You're really trying to force your point of view on everyone and a lot of people don't like that very much. You're yelling, "Everybody follow me!!! To the barricades!!!" you are trying to play on baser instincts, showing triple-deposits for the day (you don't show elks and stakes, of course, why). If you are still doing it deliberately, my advice to you is to open your own branch.

I agree 100%.

And not a percentage less! :)

Especially bulls are hard to fight, of course)))) . And why should I fight with anyone, I can't understand? I gave my imho, I justified it, and it's up to everyone to accept your imho or not. Surely you see that half of this thread is a brawl because of you and have not thought about why? I'll tell you why. You're really trying to force your point of view on everyone and a lot of people don't like that very much. You're yelling, "Everybody follow me!!! To the barricades!!!" you are trying to play on baser instincts, showing triple-deposits for the day (you don't show elks and stakes, of course, why). If you're still doing it deliberately, my advice to you is to open your own branch.
I don't get it either, I gave my opinion (forecast), it's justified, i.e. it's correct, and I'm the one that's bullshitting... For what?! For being right? Does it bother anyone? Well, let him. And about the moose. I will specially start a (demo) account and trade on it by sight and give them all the investment so that there was no outcry and ridicule - see for yourself how many times the depot will increase over what time and with how much foregoes. I have never given real deposits to anybody because of the principle that one should not see any real profits. I don't want to see any real profits, and the demo is no different from the real one. I don't need it, I am not pursuing any commercial interests, and the branches are planted by those who want to make money that way. Yes, I just brag here sometimes. And you can be jealous in silence.
So I don't get it either, I gave my opinion (forecast), it's justified, i.e. it's right, and I'm the one who's f...lingering... For what?! For being right? Does it bother anyone? Well, let him. And about the moose. I will specially start a (demo) account and trade on it by sight and give them all the investment so that there was no outcry and ridicule - see for yourself how many times the depot will increase over what time and with how much foregoes. I have never given real deposits to anybody because of the principle that one should not see any real profits. I don't want to see any real profits, and the demo is no different from the real one. I don't need it, I am not pursuing any commercial interests, and the branches are planted by those who want to make money that way. Yes, I just brag here sometimes. And one can be jealous in silence.

Mobilich, please calm down. Otherwise we all p....balls will be banned as fuck....)))
I don't get it either, I gave my opinion (prediction), it's justified, i.e. correct, and I'm the one who's f...l... For what?! For being right? Does it bother anyone? Well, let him. And about the moose. I will specially start a (demo) account and trade on it by sight and give them all the investment so that there was no outcry and ridicule - see for yourself how many times the depot will increase over what time and with how much foregoes. I have never given real deposits to anybody because of the principle that one should not see any real profits. I don't want to see any real profits, and the demo is no different from the real one. I don't need it, I am not pursuing any commercial interests, and the branches are planted by those who want to make money that way. Yes, I just brag here sometimes. And you can be jealous in silence.

You're way out of line here!
So I don't get it either, I gave my opinion (forecast), it's justified, i.e. correct, and I'm the one who's pissed off... For what?! For being right? Does it bother anyone? Well, let him. And about the moose. I will specially start a (demo) account and trade on it by sight and give them all the investment so that there was no outcry and ridicule - see for yourself how many times the depot will increase over what time and with how much foregoes. I have never given real deposits to anybody because of the principle that one should not see any real profits. I don't want to see any real profits, and the demo is no different from the real one. I don't need it, I am not pursuing any commercial interests, and the branches are planted by those who want to make money that way. Yes, I just brag here sometimes. And you can be jealous in silence.

Again, the man doesn't get it. The thread is called Trends, Forecasts and Consequences, not "Mobilich proves to the world that only eggs are cooler than him".

Apparently, you're one of those people you don't argue with.


Get off topic. Calm down. All I said was that no one knows the real forex volumes. Fact. You, and not only you, are trying to prove something(!). Which I still do not understand.

In general I think knowing where the real big money appears is a questionable bonus))) Purely imho . The reason is that big money (volumes) are big - they are not precise and there is no need to look at them. If there is no such difference between the market and the brokerage companies, the market is considered the most profitable.) Just this VSA theme is trendy now and that's all, tomorrow they will come up with something else for people .

A little bit of horror

- There was a mishap when the host asked the Senator: "You have spoken in favour of using the US air force in the Syrian conflict, listen to what the President has to say about it. Next, an excerpt from President Obama's speech was shown in which he talks about the cost of the $700 billion operation in Libya.
After this fragment, the host gave the floor to McCain. Imagine his surprise when the knight without fear and reproach started saying that he had never advocated that the USA would undertake military airstrikes alone and did not call for a ground operation. McCain is deflated by a lack of money.

During this election campaign, the issue of financial insolvency is a very big and strong trump card that can be used against the president, but it can also be used by the president himself. Whoever calls for war will now be exposed as a spender. Such a candidate will have a hard time convincing Americans to vote for him.

The Labor Department's employment report is an utterly false paper claiming that only 8.1% of the population is unemployed. It is an absolutely cynical and outrageous lie which may reflect the desired figure, but the actual figure, according to renowned investor and financier Donald Trump, is around 19 per cent, i.e. twice as high. The immoral thing here is not that the real figure is being concealed, but that people are deliberately not being registered so that they don't have to pay unemployment benefits. That is, we cross you off so you don't mess up our records, and we don't pay you any money either.

Nevertheless, Trump's figure is not exact either, there are some calculations saying that the real figure is getting closer to 25%. Recall that it was the 25% figure that started the Great Depression of 1929. The lies of the Ministry of Economic Affairs about alleged job creation are completely refuted by the undiminished number of unemployed. It is true to say that two Americans on the underground accidentally said: "Everybody lies these days. Economists, senators and congressmen, the president and the challengers, democrats and republicans, the military and diplomats lie.


A little bit of horror

Well actually it seems that the growth in the labour market has been in temporary positions, so very controversial figure as everyone knows. But the budget deficit has been in 41 consecutive months if I'm not mistaken. I have a hard time even describing the current condition. Does the economic rate affect currencies? Except for some sensational data? But the price goes by itself)))

A little bit of horror

Are you a fan of "fried"?!