FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 13: March 2012) - page 153


I don't care if it helps.

well know where from )))) CME - füche volume, pulls delta cluster
So that's it... In the end, we still don't know the real volumes; there is a parallel world - the world of Fucik.

know where from )))) CME - füche volume, pulls the delta cluster

I mean, you can ask a lot of interesting questions. If you get the answer, you get smarter, but you don't get richer. So it's pulling, so what?
Have you become richer?
I'm trading better than I did a year ago. For riches go to Mobilich. He'll tell you...
Thinking of buying if the hourly opens above 3025 or wait for 2980

I'll wait, it opened 2 points lower ))

I think to buy if the hourly opens above 3025 or wait for 2980

You can't buy now, wait until tomorrow.


вы не пользуетесь объемами фьючей и я тоже, наверно потому что мы ими не торгуем. А чем мы торгуем, вряд ли узнаем этого объем. Вот, так вот. В рамках вопроса - какой нахер объем здесь может быть????

OK clusters and so on, but where do you get your volume from? Where does the volume of EUR/USD come from? Do you know?

You do not understand the origin of the volume. There are 3 types of volume:



3. cluster

I use the last two, in principle they even resonate...

The level of maximal volume tells us the place with the biggest number of orders, pending orders, no-loss orders... Why? Because the price was at this level for the longest time.

From here you can see if they are useful or not.


You can't buy now, wait till tomorrow.

Yeah. Mobilich is gonna collect all his profits today.